Require Birmingham Police Officers to have Body Worn Cameras

Require Birmingham Police Officers to have Body Worn Cameras

June 15, 2020
Petition to
Birmingham City Commission and
This petition made change with 1,627 supporters!

Why this petition matters

Started by Kiran Healey

In Birmingham, Michigan the police officers do not have body-worn cameras (BWCs). Despite $7,000,000 spent annually on the police department, they haven't budgeted for the cameras between now and 2023. We are demanding that the city revise the police department funds in the budget meeting in December 2020 to include these cameras by the 2021-2022 fiscal year so that our officers can be held accountable to the city’s residents. 

Nearby cities such as Royal Oak and Ferndale use BWCs. Both have reported that the cameras are a positive addition to their departments. Former mayor of Ferndale, Dave Coulter, stated that it cost $120,000 to purchase over 40 cameras. This number is a fraction of the seven million dollars of taxpayer money that goes to our police department.  

Adapting these body cameras should be relatively easy because the department already has body microphones and dash cameras that would be compatible with BWCs. Chief Clemence stated there were various privacy concerns surrounding footage from the cameras. Although privacy concerns are immensely important, they can be addressed by a thorough BWC policy. It's worth noting that back in 2017, state legislature unanimously passed protections for such recordings.

I believe this is a matter of public safety. As one resident put it, "[privacy] concerns are definitely outweighed by human rights concerns." Body-worn cameras can be a way to protect cops as well as citizens by providing documentation that creates a transparent environment. 

To show support for this initiative, sign this petition and please consider voicing your concerns at the virtual city commission meeting on June 22nd at 7:30pm.


This petition made change with 1,627 supporters!

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