From spurring the Green Revolution to spearheading food systems science, CGIAR has innovated for global impact. Now, it is transforming to solve today’s – and tomorrow’s – interconnected food, land, water and climate crises

The One CGIAR transition is a dynamic reformulation of CGIAR’s partnerships, knowledge, assets and global presence, aiming for greater integration and impact in the face of the interdependent challenges facing today’s world.

Why is this transition happening now?

For 50 years, CGIAR has been a leader in agricultural science and innovation for development. From specific food crops to water systems to policy, CGIAR’s institutions across the globe – working independently and together in partnership – have produced science that has brought benefits to hundreds of millions of the world’s poor. 

But the world has changed, a lot. And CGIAR has to change with it. 

The world faces escalating climate and biodiversity crises. Research in agriculture, food, land and water is more multi-disciplinary than ever before. Traditional funding models have shifted dramatically. We know much more about the interconnected nature of our food, land and water systems. 

Today, we need to improve food security, increase biodiversity, spur economic growth and strengthen resilience in the face of the climate crisis – all at once. 

What exactly is changing?

CGIAR began an ambitious transformation in late 2019, aiming to unlock its combined resources. The new reformulation has:

  • a sharper mission and impact focus 
  • unified governance 
  • institutional integration 
  • a new research modality 
  • more, and pooled, funding. 

    The One CGIAR transition is based on the premise that CGIAR’s people, together with partners, can have more impact when brought together under fewer institutional boundaries and supported by empowered management, clear governance and an integrated operational structure.

    Why is CGIAR making these changes?

    The window of opportunity to curb climate change and biodiversity loss, and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, is closing rapidly. Around 660 million people may still face hunger in 2030, in part due to the lasting effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

    CGIAR needs to respond and – by coming together as one – it is uniquely positioned to do so. No other actor has the decades of experience, the bedrock of research, the network of partners and the backing of governments to deliver the knowledge and innovations needed.

    The issues the world is facing are more interconnected and interdependent than ever before. A unified and integrated CGIAR will be much better equipped to tackle threats to food, nutrition and water security posed by climate change.

    How is CGIAR working with partners?

    The move to operating as ‘One CGIAR’ is what our partners want and are asking of us. CGIAR is also stepping up its engagement and consultations, striving to ensure the views of valued country and regional partners are not only heard but appropriately incorporated.

    CGIAR works with 3000+ partners in nearly 90 countries around the world, and as part of the current reform, CGIAR has adjusted and strengthened its strategy to better reflect and integrate partners’ perspectives and needs.

    To continue to fulfill our commitments, CGIAR is:

    • launching a new series of high-level consultations with country and regional partners
    • forming an Advisory Panel to oversee partner engagement
    • aligning all work with the new Partnerships and Advocacy Engagement Framework, which sets out the guiding principles, systems and approaches for partners and CGIAR to achieve common goals.
    Integration Framework Agreement

    On February 22, 2023, the CGIAR Integration Framework Agreement (IFA) was approved by the boards of all One CGIAR Centers and signed by their Board Chairs.

    The IFA, developed by Center Boards and CGIAR leadership, was created to confirm and clarify the path to One CGIAR. Its successful completion paves the way for a united CGIAR to move forward with confidence.


    One CGIAR News