
CGIAR has a wealth of experience and knowledge spanning 50 years

that builds on a track-record of innovation and world class research. Thanks to our funders, CGIAR research has transformed the lives of hundreds of millions of people through tangible research outcomes.

“No dialogue can be more important than how to feed our world in the face of climate change. Investment in agricultural research delivers amongst the highest returns.”

Akinwumi Adesina, President African Development Bank

Impacts from the last 10 years

  • Improved climate resilience in farming communities in 21 countriesthrough the establishment of Climate Smart Villages which test and scale resilient food system innovations.
  • Improved nutrition for 20 million people in low-income countriesthrough increased access to critical nutrients via micronutrient fortified crops with higher content of vitamin A, iron, and zinc.
  • Improved harvests, income for farmers and nutrition for childrenunder 5 years of age through the development of new tilapia strains, fisheries management practices, and integration of agriculture-fish crop systems.
  • Led responses to urgent and emerging crop and livestock diseaseswith global experts, including Fall Armyworm outbreak in sub-Saharan Africa, Wheat Blast epidemic in Bangladesh, and East Coast fever, a deadly cattle disease in East Africa.
  • Scaled access to improved wheat varietiesreaching almost half the world’s wheat areas  Annual economic benefit of wheat breeding research ranges from $2.2 to $3.1 billion.
  • Increased rice yield in 13 countries in sub-Saharan Africaby 0.5 to 1 ton per hectare and profitability by US$200 per hectare through a smart mobile crop management tool called ‘RiceAdvice’

Meet our Scientists

Our scientists are at the forefront of our research providing evidence to policy makers, innovation to partners and new tools to transform the global food system.