File a Complaint

Our complaint resolution service for the phone, internet and TV industry is completely free to all consumers.

If you tried to solve a problem with your service provider and were unsuccessful, we can help. We handle customer complaints about these services: telephone (mobile, home and small business), internet, and television.

Filling a complaint should take about 15 minutes.

We will ask you questions to help us do two things:

  • Decide if we can accept your complaint
  • Understand what happened and how you want the problem solved.

We will share this information with your service provider, as part of our complaint resolution process.

Before you start, we suggest you gather this information:

  • A copy of your service contract
  • Bills
  • Proof of payment
  • Any correspondence between you and your service provider related to your complaint

Start My Complaint

Read our Respectful Communication Policy

Need assistance filling out the complaint form? Call 1-888-221-1687 or email us at

Learn more about our complaint handling process

We are a free service. We treat all complaints fairly. We are independent — we are not controlled by any service providers or regulators.

We help you and your service provider find a solution that you both agree on. Our core values and performance standards set out how we work to solve complaints.

Find out more about our complaint-handling process.