Permian Basin dethroned by Marcellus Shale for region with the most fracking activity

Published: May. 27, 2020 at 10:19 AM CDT

The Permian Basin has been dethroned when it comes to having the most fracking activity.

The Marcellus Shale, which stretches through Pennsylvania and West Virginia, now leads the country in fracking.

CBS7 spoke with an expert on the Permian Basin oil industry on the change.

"While the northeast has been hit by some of the same issues we've been hit by the price for natural gas has gone down as well. It hasn't been as extreme as what we've seen on crude oil internationally," said Steven Robertson, the Executive Vice President of The Permian Basin Petroleum Association.

According to Robertson, last year during this same period the Permian Basin was operating 450 platforms compared to this year where only 160 platforms are running.