Marine Educators Workshop- Day three

Published: Mar. 9, 2023 at 10:34 PM CST

SAN DIEGO, California (KOSA) - Day three of the Educators Workshop at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot in San Diego California, and educators learned about the Marines’ operations from the air to water and took a leap off a rappel tower.

For over 100 years the Marines have been on the ground, from World War I to the Iraqi war Marines make sure people get back home and are safe.

The Marines’ aviation program was created by First Lieutenant Alfred Austell Cunningham after visiting Annapolis, Maryland for an aviation camp.

For 110 years the marine aviators have evolved to defeat the enemy, and support ground troops.

“The whole purpose of Marine Aviation is support the Marine on the ground and that kinda makes us unique from all other aircraft services that fly, as in we fly in direct support of the marine on the ground so if the Marines need somewhere to go on the ground we’re the ones taking them and we exist solely to support the infantry.” Alphonzo Allen, V-22 Pilot

But marine operations don’t stop in the sky or on the ground, there are also underwater trainings.

The marines have a partnership with the Navy and can assist or facilitate water rescue missions if needed.

“So that whenever they do go into AAV they’re able to properly survive and that way less accidents in the water.” Sgt. Jacob Lurvey, Marine Corps Instructor Trainer Of Water Survival

After learning about Marine branches in the sky and underwater the educators were given a hands-on lesson about safety when rappelling.

“So being able to just go to rappel tower, even having a fear of heights and still being able to actually accomplish rappelling shows a lot that your maturing and that thing your lacking so just a rappel tower it may just look like you’re rappelling but a lot of guys are getting a lot more than that or more from it”. Sgt. Ronald Nater, Rappel Tower Trainer

Local educators continue to constantly be impressed with everything that the marines are offering including the benefits.

“The Benefits from serving in the military and the marines and the comradery that everybody has and every interview that we’ve heard from the students just talk about the brotherhood and I think that was a big thing I’m taking away from this.” Amy Velazquez, Legacy High Counselor