Baskets of Hope keeps the memory alive of those lost to suicide and addictions

While a sea of colourful blossoms at a garden centre might not be unusual, the flowers at Pat's Plants & Gardens in Bay Bulls over the weekend were planted for a special reason. They were part of Baskets of Hope, an annual fundraiser organized by the Jacob Puddister Memorial Foundation in memory of those who died by suicide or addictions.

Fundraiser was started by the Jacob Puddister Memorial Foundation and Pat's Plants & Gardens in 2017

A man and a woman stand next to each other and smile. Each holds up a flower basket.
Johnny Rose, left, and Peggy Head say being able to design flower baskets in memory of their loved ones gives families and friends an opportunity to turn their grief into something beautiful. (Henrike Wilhelm/CBC)

WARNING: This story contains a discussion of suicide.

While a sea of colourful blossoms at a garden centre might not be unusual, the flowers at Pat's Plants & Gardens in Bay Bulls over the weekend had been planted for a special reason.

They were part of Baskets of Hope, an annual fundraiser organized by the Jacob Puddister Memorial Foundation in memory of those who died by suicide or addictions.

Over the years, says community support manager Johnny Rose, the event has become a staple for those looking to remember their loved ones.

"It provides an uplifting, celebratory nature or vibe for everyone. And that's definitely what we hear," said Rose.

"The great atmosphere around Pat's Plants provides such an uplifting and green space to create a different type of event surrounding and addressing the stigma for mental health."

The fundraiser was started in 2017 as a way to raise awareness of mental health in the community. Families and friends can pick out flowers and create hanging baskets, which are then both picked up by them and put up for sale.

The annual basket With Jake's Heart, with bright red and purple flowers, was created in memory of Jacob Puddister, after whom the foundation is named, and has been a part of the event since the beginning.

This year, 11 baskets were included, nine of which are recurring designs.

"One new one this year that was designed by a community member is called Smile. And just simply put it's because your loved one had the most beautiful smile," said Rose.

"Another one is entitled 'Nancy's Embrace.' And the flowers are centred around the person's warm nature."

Others featured this year were Music and Friends, Two Hearts Sitting on a Rainbow, Starry, Starry Night, Fisherman's Blues, Brothers at Heart, Wheelies Forever, Free Spirit, and Your Legacy.

These 11 'Baskets of Hope' are a colourful reminder of those lost to suicide and addictions

16 days ago
Duration 2:30
At its annual fundraiser in collaboration with Pat's Plants and Gardens in Bay Bulls, the Jacob Puddister Memorial Foundation keeps memories alive with individualized flower baskets. The event has blossomed into a positive opportunity for the community to discuss mental health, say organizers.

Proceeds from the basket sales are going toward free mental health services for people aged 12 to 35. It's an offer that has been seeing overwhelming demand for a while, said Rose.

"We most recently experienced 80 requests for counselling in 15 minutes. It's sparked a lot of conversations among us to how do we address the need for counselling," said Rose. "And a lot of that is advocacy work through community, doing events like this and making sure that our voices are out there to tell people that there are more requirements for long-term mental health."

In hopes of changing conversations on mental health and allowing open conversations about it, garden centre employee Peggy Head has been involved in the fundraiser since Day 1.

"When Kelsey lost her brother, the whole community here in Bay Bulls felt it. And I really thought that we needed to help somehow. Somehow, we needed to get the word out that this shouldn't happen to our young people," said Head.

"And so I went to Pat, who is the owner of Pat's Plants & Gardens, and we talked about doing baskets, maybe doing baskets for the person that lost their battle with mental health. And that's how this became."

A building on the left has a banner on it saying "Baskets of Hope." There are plants and flowers in front of the building. On the right, people are standing together.
Baskets of Hope was created by Kelsey Puddister in memory of her brother Jake, who died by suicide in 2016. This year, the fundraiser offered not just a basket in memory of Jake, but 10 other people. (Henrike Wilhelm/CBC)

She works closely with families and friends to design the baskets. Often, she said, people share their memories of the person they lost with her, as well, grateful "they're brought back in a happy way."

"Sometimes it can be very sad because they want to tell me, and I want them to tell me, what happened, what was the journey. And tell me about the person because the person means a lot," said Head.

"They're not just the plants. They've been put in because … they are the person. Each basket is special. Each basket is unique."

Those stories, said Head, don't leave her untouched, either. At the end of the fundraiser, she said, she leaves with "a good feeling."

"It's not just picking up today. I hope that they realize that from the minute that basket was started to be made, their loved one was thought about," she said.

"Every time when I pass by and have people come in and look at the baskets and they say, 'What's this one?' I can name them all off. I know who they're for. They mean a lot. And so, when I go home tonight, I'm just going to sit down and I'm going to smile and think about all those people again."

Where to get help if you or someone you know is struggling:

Talk Suicide Canada: 1-833-456-4566 (phone) | 45645 (Text, 4 p.m. to midnight ET only)

Kids Help Phone: 1-800-668-6868 (phone), live chat counselling at

Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention: Find a 24-hour crisis centre

Hope for Wellness Helpline: 1-855-242-3310 (phone, available in Cree, Ojibway and Inuktitut upon request)

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Henrike Wilhelm


Henrike Wilhelm is a journalist working with CBC's bureau in St. John's.