News & Events

Promoting Knowledge and Awareness to Protect Women

Check this space for news about CAWC, legislation, activism, and actions you can take to defeat domestic violence.

In The News

Stay informed. Stay vigilant. Stay connected.

Knowledge is our most powerful tool. Please read, share, and talk about what we can do to protect women and their children.

Media Inquiries

CAWC is proud to shine a light on the reality of domestic abuse and how we can fight it.

Call: 773.278.4566

The Impacts of Domestic and Dating Violence on Children

In discussing domestic and dating violence, we often overlook their far-reaching impacts on the most vulnerable people involved: children. Young individuals who may witness or experience violence first hand endure profound consequences that ripple through every aspect...

Domestic Violence and Mental Health in Marginalized Communities

June and July serve as critical months for educating ourselves and others about mental health issues among marginalized communities. During Pride Month in June, we focus on the LGBTQ+ community, while July's National Minority Mental Health Month (also known as BIPOC...


Get involved with CAWC events and activities

Take a stand, take action, and meet other inspiring people while making a difference. We’ll see you at our next event.

Survivor Stories

Breaking free and growing strong, together

Women from every walk of life can suffer from domestic violence. Together, we can all rise above.

“If it weren’t for Greenhouse I’m not sure if I would have survived and I fear to think what might have happened to my children.”

“Since coming here I have realized that the abuse is not my fault.”

“I really enjoyed participating in the domestic violence groups when I was at Haymarket. It helped me through my past trauma and understanding about abuse.”

“My life has positively changed due to the contributions and support of CAWC. I am now stronger due to the information, advocacy and support I received.”

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With your help, we can keep women and their children safe, and make more good headlines.

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