In The News

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The Impacts of Domestic and Dating Violence on Children

In discussing domestic and dating violence, we often overlook their far-reaching impacts on the most vulnerable people involved: children. Young individuals who may witness or experience violence first hand endure profound consequences that ripple through every aspect...

Domestic Violence and Mental Health in Marginalized Communities

June and July serve as critical months for educating ourselves and others about mental health issues among marginalized communities. During Pride Month in June, we focus on the LGBTQ+ community, while July's National Minority Mental Health Month (also known as BIPOC...

The Impacts of Domestic Violence on Survivor Mental Health

May is a pivotal month for women’s health awareness, serving as National Mental Health Awareness Month, Women's Health Month, and Maternal Mental Health Awareness Month. It’s imperative to support the mental health of women and mothers during this time and throughout...

What Does “Trauma-Informed” Care Mean?

Domestic violence leaves more than just physical scars. It profoundly impacts the emotional and psychological well-being of survivors, often resulting in long-lasting trauma. Understanding and addressing this trauma is crucial in aiding survivors on their journey to...

What Are Holistic Domestic Violence Services?

Domestic violence transcends physical harm; it deeply affects the psychological, social, legal, and financial well-being of survivors. Holistic domestic violence services aim to address this multifaceted reality by providing comprehensive support. This approach is...

The Benefits of Having a Domestic Violence Shelter in Your Community

Domestic violence is a critical social problem that affects not just abuse survivors and their children, but entire communities and their economies. Although many people may not realize it, domestic violence shelters offer sanctuary and targeted support to survivors...

Understanding and Preventing Teen Dating Violence

Teen dating violence (TDV) is a pervasive issue that affects young people across the US and beyond, including people of all genders, races, socioeconomic classes, and sexual orientations. Of these, young women, non-cisgender people, and non-heterosexual people...

The Benefits of Family Trauma Therapy

Family trauma therapy, also known as trauma-focused therapy, is a vital resource for trauma survivors and their families, offering a path to healing and strengthening familial bonds. This specialized form of therapy addresses the complex and often intergenerational...

Understanding Stalking: Combating a Silent Threat

January marks National Stalking Awareness Month, a critical time to shed light on a pervasive and often misunderstood form of abuse. Stalking is a pattern of repeated, unwanted attention and contact by a person that causes fear or concern for one's safety, and it...

Why Domestic Violence Increases During the Holiday Season

The holiday season is a time designed to bring out the best in people: many of us strive to be more emotionally charitable at family and social gatherings, or financially charitable toward our favorite organizations and causes. Being our best selves can come as a...

The History of Domestic Violence Awareness Month

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM), and it has a rich and interesting history that is at times intertwined with other causes related to supporting vulnerable populations. However, the relative recency of much of the most impactful progress speaks...

3 Things Public Demonstrations Accomplish For Human Rights

In recent years — more than any other era since the civil rights movement — Americans have witnessed the power of human rights protests and of social justice movements in driving social and political conversations. But can human rights activists bring about real and...

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Your gift of $300 provides a survivor of Domestic Violence with one week of shelter, meals and CAWC’s support services.

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