The Odd Couple

Weekdays at 5p ET | 2p PT

Divorced men looking to save on rent, prim Felix (Tony Randall) and gruff, sloppy Oscar (Jack Klugman) share a New York apartment—and find their lifestyles constantly clashing. Often celebrity guest stars would appear on the series to illustrate the differences between Oscar and Felix, including publisher Hugh Hefner and Betty White.

Next Airings

Jul 23rd 5:30p ET

Cleanliness Is Next to Impossible

Oscar decides to be as clean as Felix after being called a slob by his girlfriend.

Jul 24th 5:00p ET

Shuffling Off to Buffalo

Felix's brother gives him a job in Buffalo, to Oscar's delight.

Jul 24th 5:30p ET

Vocal Girl Makes Good

The New York Metropolitan Opera's Marilyn Horne stars as Felix's new discovery, but is too shy to appear in his opera unless Oscar is in it as well.

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