Where do you source your mileage records?

Cartell obtains mileages from a wide variety of different sources in the automotive industry in Ireland including Manufacturers, Trade, Dealers, Individuals and organisations that work within the motoring industry.

Cartell powers the NMR with the largest database of car mileage readings in the country with more than 35 million readings recorded since the NMR was founded.

The NMR database is the most comprehensive and up-to-date single source of mileage readings for motor vehicles in Ireland and is relied upon by members of the public and those involved in the wider Automotive Industry to verify if the readings on the vehicle they are interested in correlate with the data provided by the NMR.

Cartell ourselves were heavily involved in lobbying for the introduction of new legislation to prohibit the process of mileage discrepancy and are delighted that our own NMR database serves as a widely used, reliable and powerful tool to combat this type of fraud.

Cartell and our wider IT and customer support team are rigirous in adding to the accuracy of this database through regular updating, investigating, and verifying making our mileage checks the most accuate available on the Irish fleet.