NCT Checker – Does a Cartell car check provide the NCT history?

Cartell car history check reports come with a full NCT checker feature including information on the NCT schedule for the vehicle in question and further details on pass dates, due dates and more. Moreover if you are checking a vehicle that has been imported from the UK then a Cartell car history check will also include detailed information on the MOT (UK equivalent of the NCT) history of the car during its time in the UK.

Often buyers of a used vehicle will be concerned by a car that has a history of many failed NCT tests as this may suggest previous owners have not maintained and serviced the vehicle to an appropriate standard.

At the same time however the prospective purchaser should be warned that even a valid NCT is only part of the due diligence you should carry out in advance of a used car purchase.

NCT Checker Info: Why is it important to check NCT history?

When purchasing a used car, particularly on the private market, many buyers receive some reassurance about the roadworthiness of the vehicle if it has a valid NCT certificate. And while this is of course a positive sign it does not necessarily mean that the vehicle has no underlying mechanical issues. There are several reasons why a potential buyer shouldn’t depend on a valid NCT alone as a guarantee of the vehicle’s reliability including:

  • The NCT will usually have been carried out at some time in the past and mechanical issues may have emerged or worsened since the time of the most recent NCT check.
  • The NCT itself is a test designed to check if the vehicle meets the minimum standard for roadworthiness at a specific moment of time and does not compare to a full mechanical check of the vehicle.
  • The NCT cannot check for issues like mileage manipulation, a secret write-off history or if there is finance owed on the car (that the new purchaser may be liable for if it is not paid off) and you will need to purchase a Cartell car history check to access this information

Does a valid NCT check guarantee vehicle safety?

The NCT is not proof that the vehicle is fully reliable and safe, instead it is a record of a moment in time when the vehicle underwent some basic vehicle checks. If you intend purchasing a used car you should not assume that a valid NCT certificate is all you need to feel reassured that your investment is a safe one and that there is no risk associated with the purchase.

It is commonly misunderstood by buyers that the NCT cannot and does not act as a warranty nor can it vouch for the safety and reliability of the vehicle all year round or until whenever the next NCT test is scheduled for.

The reality is that the NCT can only tell you so much and while many motorists only ever take the opportunity to pay attention to car maintenance issues as the NCT date looms this is not considered best practice. Instead the car should be regularly serviced in line with manufacturer recommendations; with modern vehicles this is easier than ever as most newer cars have advanced diagnostic capabilities and will be able to inform the owner when faults are identified. It’s worth always remembering though that it is ultimately  the vehicle owner’s responsibility to ensure the car is in a roadworthy condition at all times it is being driven on the roads rather than just when the NCT is due

Can I view information on common NCT issues associated with my car?

Yes, Cartell provides access to an exclusive NCT checker and predictor tool via our personal account

One of the many vehicle intelligence tools available within the personal account is the NCT predictor and based on the registration number you have entered, the NCT predictor tool will provide data on the predicted pass rate for the vehicle and also the most common reasons for NCT failure for the make and model of the vehicle in question when compared to the avergahe fleet as a whole (see image below). The personal account us currently completely free to use so if you want to use the NCT predictor tool then just sign up for a personal account, enter the reg of the vehicle you want to check data for and Cartell will provide you with the data.

For full and complete NCT checker history data then you can purchase a Cartell car history check and the information will be immediately available to you.

Cartell NCT Checker