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Carbon budgets


Coal plant and wind energy at the Eemshaven Seaport in Groningen, Netherlands.

Guest post: What the tiny remaining 1.5C carbon budget means for climate policy

The latest estimates from the Global Carbon Project (GCP) show that total worldwide CO2 emissions in 2022 have reached near-record levels.  T... Read More

Guest posts | Nov 11. 2022.
View of planet Earth from space

Analysis: What the new IPCC report says about when world may pass 1.5C and 2C

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) sixth assessment report (AR6) is the first major IPCC review to specifically focus on when t... Read More

IPCC | Aug 10. 2021.
Gulf Coast and Florida from space

Guest post: Refining the remaining 1.5C ‘carbon budget’

The remaining “carbon budget” specifies the maximum amount of CO2 that may be emitted to stabilise warming at a particular level – such as the ... Read More

Guest posts | Jan 19. 2021.

Analysis: Why coal use must plummet this decade to keep global warming below 1.5C

The next 10 years are crucial for tackling climate change, with widespread recognition that CO2 emissions must fall 45% by 2030 to keep global warmin... Read More

Coal | Feb 6. 2020.

The Carbon Brief Profile: Canada

In the latest article in a series on how some of the world’s key emitters are responding to climate change, Carbon Brief considers Canada’s relati... Read More

Country profiles | Oct 8. 2019.
Earth from space. Credit: Aflo Co., Ltd. / Alamy Stock Photo.

Guest post: A new approach for understanding the remaining carbon budget

Dr Joeri Rogelj is a lecturer in climate change and the environment at the Grantham Institute at Imperial College London, and Prof Piers Forster is pr... Read More

Guest posts | Jul 17. 2019.
Sunset over the Mediterranean sea. Credit: Jacopo Ventura / Alamy Stock Photo.

Analysis: Major update to ocean-heat record could shrink 1.5C carbon budget

The UK’s Met Office recently released “HadSST4”, the largest update since 2011 to its widely used sea surface temperature (SST) record. The n... Read More

Ocean warming | Jun 27. 2019.
No.10 Downing Street at night, London, UK. Credit: Jeff Gilbert / Alamy Stock Photo.

In-depth Q&A: The UK becomes first major economy to set net-zero climate goal

The UK is to raise its ambition on climate change by setting a legally binding target to cut its greenhouse gas emissions to “net-zero” by 2050, p... Read More

UK emissions | Jun 12. 2019.
London Array windfarm.

Analysis: Half of UK’s electricity to be renewable by 2025

Close to half of the UK’s electricity will come from renewable sources by 2025, according to Carbon Brief analysis of new government projections. ... Read More

Renewables | Apr 12. 2019.

Analysis: Why children must emit eight times less CO2 than their grandparents

Global emissions of CO2 need to decline precipitously over the next few decades, if the world is to meet the Paris Agreement goals of limiting global ... Read More

Features | Apr 10. 2019.

Analysis: Why the IPCC 1.5C report expanded the carbon budget

Greenhouse gas emissions from human activity have already raised global temperatures by around 1C since pre-industrial times. This leaves a rapidly sh... Read More

1.5C | Oct 8. 2018.
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