Stages and types of thyroid cancer

The type of thyroid cancer refers to the type of cell the cancer started in. There are different types of thyroid cancer, the most common type is papillary thyroid cancer.

The stage of a cancer tells you its size and whether it has spread. Doctors use different staging systems - the TNM system and a number staging system.

Knowing the type and stage of your cancer helps your doctor decide which treatment you need. 

Types of thyroid cancer

Your type of thyroid cancer depends on what type of cell the cancer started in. The most common type is papillary thyroid cancer.

TNM staging for thyroid cancer

TNM staging shows the size of your cancer (T), whether it has spread to lymph nodes (N) and whether it has spread to other parts of your body (M).

Number stages for papillary and follicular thyroid cancer

The number staging system for papillary and follicular thyroid cancer is the same. It is different to the number staging system for medullary and anaplastic thyroid cancers. 

Number stages for medullary thyroid cancer

There are 4 stages for medullary thyroid cancer, The stage tells you about the size of the cancer and whether it has spread.

Number stages for anaplastic thyroid cancer

The number staging system usually groups cancers into 4 groups, stage 1 to 4. Anaplastic thyroid cancers are considered to be stage 4 at diagnosis.