Travelling in the UK

Travelling in the UK when you have cancer might mean you need to plan before you go. 

Travelling abroad

Travelling abroad when you have cancer might not affect where or how you travel. But sometimes you could have a few extra things to think about.

Travel vaccinations

To visit some countries, you’ll need vaccinations before you leave. It’s a good idea to get advice about this at least 8 weeks before you travel.

When not to travel

Most people who have cancer can travel without problems. In some circumstances you might need to wait before flying. Or make special arrangements with the airline. 

Taking medicines abroad

When you need to take medicines abroad, it’s worth planning ahead. Some drugs are restricted. You might need a doctor’s letter or export licence.

How cancer might affect your travel

When you have cancer, you may have a higher risk of blood clots, infection, lymphoedema (swelling) or sun sensitivity. You might need to take extra care when you are travelling. 

Travel tips

Plan a safe and pleasant journey with these travel tips for people who have cancer, are having treatment, or are recovering from treatment.

Getting travel insurance

Travel insurance is very important for people who have or have had cancer. It’s important to know how to get travel insurance and what’s involved.

Useful contacts

When you need extra help with travelling, you can get useful information from airports and airlines, train companies and several charities.

Having cancer treatment abroad

You might want to go abroad to have cancer treatment. The NHS has some funding options.