Research and clinical trials for breast cancer

Research is looking into all aspects of breast cancer. They are looking into the causes, prevention, diagnosis, screening, treatment and side effects of breast cancer and its treatment. They are also looking into whether new treatments are safe and better than those currently available.

Find a clinical trial

Our clinical trials database has information about UK clinical trials for breast cancer and summaries of trial results.

What clinical trials are

Trials aim to find out if a new test or treatment is safe and better than those currently available.

Before you take part

Find out about what researchers should tell you before you agree to take part in a trial.

Causes and prevention research for breast cancer

Researchers are looking at better ways to understand the causes and how to prevent breast cancer. Find out about the latest UK research.

Diagnosis and screening research for breast cancer

Researchers around the world are looking at better ways to diagnose and screen for breast cancer. Find out what researchers are looking at.

Research into treatment for early breast cancer

Researchers are looking at better ways to treat early breast cancer and manage treatment side effects. Find out about some of latest research going on. 

Research into treatment for secondary breast cancer

Sadly, secondary breast cancer can’t be cured. Researchers are looking at new treatments and combining different treatments to help control the disease and give a good quality of life for as long as possible. Find out about research into treatment for secondary breast cancer.

Living with breast cancer research

Researchers want to improve people’s quality of life with breast cancer. They are doing this by looking at better ways to cope with the emotional, psychological and physical effects of breast cancer. Find out about this research.

Our Research

Find out how our researchers are discovering new ways to tackle breast cancer.