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Toni Airaksinen
Former Education News Contributor, PJ Media

About Toni

Toni Airaksinen is a writer, editor, and college admissions essay strategist. Over the tenure of her career, she has published over 3,200 articles for USA TODAY, Quillette, the NY Daily News, and the Columbia Spectator thus far. She has written for the Columbia Spectator, USA TODAY, PJ Media, Instapundit, Legal Insurrection, The Daily Caller, the James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal, and more. She recently moved to Delray Beach, Florida, where she is an active member of her local synagogue and volunteers with the nonprofit BeachKeepers, to keep neighbors and wildlife safe from plastic and sharp objects. She was a New Jersey Correspondent for Campus Reform during her time at Barnard College. She has since graduated and is working on a book of poetry and is learning Hebrew.

Stories by Toni