MARSCHALL: 'The only way forward is expulsion or arrest' for pro-Hamas campus exremists

Campus Reform Editor-in-Chief warns that the Hamas-endorsed protesters will only escalate their tactics unless they're expelled or arrested.

In a Thursday interview on Real America’s Voice Thursday, Campus Reform Editor-in-Chief Zachary Marschall warned that the Hamas-endorsed protesters will only escalate their tactics unless they’re expelled or arrested.

”You know what, these really are terrorists on campus because a recent poll came out showing that 36% of them want to use terrorist tactics to get their way and 40% of them empathize or sympathize with Hamas. So no matter what they demand in the spring, they’re going to come back in the fall with a vengeance,” Marschall said. “And only even more severe, the only way forward is expulsion or arrest.”

[RELATED: SJP chapters organize to ‘surround the White House’ after Hamas, other terror orgs call on students to ‘beseige’ Biden’s residence]

Marschall said that while some schools like the University of Florida and the University of North Carolina are taking a stand against these anti-Israel encampments, others are negotiating with them, which will create an “ugly fall semester.”

”What’s even going to be worse though, is that some of these universities such as Rutgers and brown and Northwestern are promising votes or like discussions about whether or not to divest in the fall semester, that’s gonna be September, October, right at the height of the presidential campaign,” he added. “Students are not going to like it. If discussions turned into we’re not going to divest. They are going to want divestment files and they’re going to want universities to do it,” he said. So coupled their aggression with the height of contentious presidential campaign and I expect a very ugly fall semester in higher ed.”

His comments come as several Students for Justice in Palestine chapters are set to travel to Washington D.C. to “surround the White House” just days after Hamas and other Palestinian organizations issued a call for students to “besiege” President Biden’s residence.