The Aeronautical Journal

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Editorial for Bristol 75 Anniversary Issue

This online collection commemorates 75 years of aerospace engineering teaching and research at the University of Bristol.  However, interactions with the aircraft industry started long before the Department was formed in 1946 1, for instance when in 1918 the University began teaching a class in Aircraft Manufacturing . 

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The Light Beyond the Clouds

Beyond the dark clouds there is light. Is this a topical description for the past, present and future of our industry? In the past, it was our ambition to travel fast and above the weather that inspired the development of the jet engine by its inventors, Sir Frank Whittle and Dr Hans von Ohain in the late 1930s and early 1940s.

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The Aeronautical Journal and the ICAS Congress

The Aeronautical Journal is unusual in ‘covering all aspects of aerospace’. This is something of a rarity nowadays, with conferences and journals aiming to attract high-profile experts by maximising specialist content – more ‘bang for the buck’, as the expression goes.…

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The conundrum of aviation and the environment

The paper, ‘21st century civil aviation: Is it on course, or is it over confident and complacent? – thoughts on the conundrum of aviation and the environment’ published in the Aeronautical Journal, Vol 121, Issue 1236, pp 115-140, 2017 by D.…

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