Social policy

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Brexit and Devolution

Since the Brexit referendum the UK government has been criticised for failing to recognise the positions and concerns of the devolved governments.…

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Brexit and Race Equality Policies

With Brexit negotiations underway, a key question is whether withdrawal from the EU will affect equality policies.  The Fawcett Society has recently warned that Government ‘Great Repeal Bill’ will present ‘a real threat to our equality laws’ in so far as it risks ‘weakening of protections’.…

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Could personalisation reduce re-offending?

Blog post written by Alex Fox, Chris Fox and Caroline Marsh based on an article recently published in Journal of Social Policy The criminal justice sector has never achieved rates of re-offending with which the public and policy makers are satisfied.…

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Every Town Should Have One? Emergency Food Banking in the UK.

Research into food banking highlights the importance of rights-based approaches to food experiences in the UK. Research published in the Journal of Social Policy explores the rise of the UK’s first national scale food banking initiative and discusses the importance of food rights for providing social policy makers and researchers with a framework for approaching food issues.…

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