Research Directions

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From nightmares to sweet dreams

Daniel Kay, Editor in Chief of Research Directions: Sleep Psychology, reveals how a bad dream experience in childhood led to a fascinating career in sleep science “When I was a child,” recalls Daniel Kay, “I had a recurring nightmare that proved to be one of the most impactful experiences of my life.…

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Capitalising on multi-disciplinary insights into depression

Following the launch of Research Directions: Depression by Cambridge University Press, Editor-in-Chief Ian Hickie explains why a question-led and global approach will reveal new insights into mood disorders The launch of Research Directions: Depression represents ‘a chance to co-ordinate a real global effort in the field’, according to Editor-in-Chief Ian Hickie.…

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“Too interesting to ignore”

Following the launch of Research Directions: Bioelectronics by Cambridge University Press, Editor-in-Chief Samit Chakrabarty explains more about this fascinating branch of science A translated version of a Russian university textbook on human physiology might seem an unlikely source of inspiration for a leader in the world of neuroscience – but that is exactly what set Dr.…

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Building a new frontier

Martyn Dade-Robertson, Editor-in-Chief of Research Directions: Biotechnology Design, explains more about this emerging branch of science Can we grow a building?…

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Quantum quest

Daniel Oi, Editor-in-Chief of Research Directions: Quantum Technologies sheds light on a challenging subject ‘Science is driven as much by what we don’t know as it is by what we already know,’ states Daniel Oi.…

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