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APSR Editorial Report – Fall 2020

Prior to the beginning of our tenure, we set out a vision statement for the APSR revolving around six principles. One of these principles is editorial transparency, specifically as it refers to sharing with our community information about our editorial workflow and characteristics of our authors, reviewers, and readership during our tenure.…

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Black Swans and Generative Resilience

‘Generative resilience’ distinctively involves the imagination of the new in response to the unimagined – indeed a difficult operation, calling for particular forms of thinking, not only for particular structures.…

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Prehistory and the pandemic: taking the long view

Prehistory is all about taking the long view. But living in this maelstrom that perspective is difficult. The pandemic affects all archaeologists; from the closure of heritage sites, to furloughing staff, the added workload of rapidly devising online teaching, cancelling exhibitions, the disruption to research students because museum collections, libraries, and laboratories are closed, and fieldwork postponed.…

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Quebec’s Response to the Coronavirus Pandemic

HEPL blog series: Country Responses to the Covid19 Pandemic   Quebec’s response to the coronavirus pandemic   Greg Marchildon [1] [2] Amélie Quesnel-Vallée [2] [3] Madeline King [2] Antonina Maltsev [2] [1] Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation, University of Toronto [2] North American Observatory on Health Systems and Policies [3] McGill Observatory on Health and Social Services Reforms, Department of Sociology and Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health, McGill University   Background and Scope Quebec has been the hardest hit jurisdiction in Canada yet among the first provinces to begin reopening.…

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Albania’s Response to the Coronavirus Pandemic

HEPL blog series: Country Responses to the Covid19 Pandemic   Albania’s response to the coronavirus pandemic Andi Hoxhaj, University of Warwick   The coronavirus pandemic officially started in Albania on 8th of March when the Ministry of Health announced the country’s first cases – a father and son who had travelled from Italy to Albania.…

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Poland’s Response to the Coronavirus Pandemic

HEPL blog series: Country Responses to the Covid19 Pandemic   Poland’s response to the Coronavirus Pandemic Michał Zabdyr-Jamróz, Iwona Kowalska-Bobko   As of 8th May Poland has reported a total of 15,200 confirmed COVID-19 cases; 5,184 recoveries; 9,260 active cases (2% being serious or critical) and 756 deaths associated with the disease (20 deaths per 1 million inhabitants).…

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Ontario’s Response to the Coronavirus Pandemic

HEPL blog series: Country Responses to the Covid19 Pandemic Ontario’s response to the coronavirus pandemic   Greg Marchildon[1][2] Sara Allin[1][2] Karen Born[1]   [1] Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation, University of Toronto [2] North American Observatory on Health Systems and Policies     Background and Scope With 39% of Canada’s population (14.7 million residents), Ontario is home to the country’s largest city, Toronto, and its national capital of Ottawa.…

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Malaysia’s Response to the Coronavirus Pandemic

HEPL blog series: Country Responses to the Covid19 Pandemic   Malaysia’s Response to the Coronavirus Pandemic YingYing Yew University of Oviedo, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Unit for Research in Emergency & Disaster, Campus del Cristo, E-33006, Oviedo, Spain     On the 23rd January 2020, the Singapore Immigration Checkpoints Authority alerted its counterpart neighbour regarding foreign visitors that tested positive for COVID-19 and managed to get across to the Malaysian border.…

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Austria’s Response to the Coronavirus Pandemic – a second perspective

HEPL blog series: Country Responses to the Covid19 Pandemic   Austria’s Response to the Coronavirus Pandemic – a second perspective (read the alternative report here)   Thomas Czypionka, Institute for Advanced Studies Vienna (IHS), Austria and London School of Economics, UK Miriam Reiss, Institute for Advanced Studies Vienna Isabel Pham, Institute for Advanced Studies Vienna   Despite its fragmented healthcare system, strong federalism and relatively poor public health capacity, Austria has so far fared surprisingly well in the current crisis.…

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