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Where Physical and Digital Worlds Collide

In this blog for Data-Centric Engineering, Paul Clarke (Chief Technology Officer at Ocado) documents Ocado’s journey with building synthetic models of its business, its platforms and its underlying technologies, including the use of simulations, emulations, visualisations and digital twins.…

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Why submit a Registered Report?

I was first approached about editing at Evolutionary Human Sciences (EHS) at the EHBEA meeting in Pecs, Hungary. I’d recently started submitting my own Registered Reports (RRs) and was enthusiastic about helping to spread what I was finding to be an incredibly valuable new format for doing and reporting science.…

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European Psychiatry: Embracing the Open Future

European Psychiatry is the official journal of the European Psychiatric Association. Launched in 1986 by Patrice Boyer, Julien-Daniel Guelfi and Yves Lecrubier, European Psychiatry has achieved a dynamic presence in the field by publishing cutting-edge clinical and biological research, by disseminating key policy and guidance documents and by stimulating and fostering debate amongst all stakeholders in mental health and neuroscience.…

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Another year of peer review at Cambridge University Press…

Improvements, Iterations, and Infrastructure Cambridge University Press has a set of objectives in the peer review space . . . with several question marks still: Objectives: Increase transparency Support reviewer recognition Offer more training resources for reviewers Improve internal processes to make peer review more efficient Questions: What are the evolving challenges to peer review and opportunities in evolving forms of scholarly communication for peer review and how do we respond to them?…

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Plan S and our progress to an open future

In May, cOAlition S updated their implementation guidelines for Plan S following a consultation period. The revised guidelines provide useful clarity on a number of points, and give us a firmer idea of how the journals we publish can comply with Plan S.…

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Public Statement on Plan S

Cambridge University Press exists to advance knowledge, learning and research. As part of our purpose, we disseminate high-quality research and drive its impact and reach, working with the academic communities we support.…

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Cambridge Open – Celebrating International Open Access Week 2017

Cambridge University Press is proud to support International Open Access Week, running from 23rd to 29th October 2017. As a leading University Press we are actively engaged with Open Access, and our Open Access publishing platform, Cambridge Open, serves authors and the wider community by publishing high-quality, peer-reviewed OA content. Follow our Facebook and Twitter pages this week to read blog posts from our Open Access team, read our most-read Open Access articles, and learn more about Cambridge Open.

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Striking a balance between development and sustainability

A post from the new Cambridge Open Access title Global Sustainability Since the notion of Sustainable Development has become widespread with the publication of the UN Commission on Environment and Development in 1986, there has been the tension between the aspiration to develop on the one hand and to stay within ‘planetary boundaries’ on the other.…

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Welcome to Global Sustainability

In the past decade or so, sustainability research has expanded rapidly to explore how societies interact with Earth systems. This research is of tremendous importance: without major societal changes, the planet will become a considerably more hostile place to live.…

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Cambridge launch new open access journal – Global Health, Epidemiology and Genomics

Cambridge unveils new Open Access journal – Global Health, Epidemiology and Genomics (GHEG) Cambridge University Press is delighted to announce a major new open access journal, Global Health, Epidemiology and Genomics (GHEG), dedicated to publishing and disseminating research that addresses and increases understanding of global and population health issues through the application of population science, genomics and applied technologies.…

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Expert Reviews in Molecular Medicine launches ‘Discovery’ section

Expert Reviews in Molecular Medicine launches ‘Discovery’ section and welcomes original research under a gold Open Access extension. We have launched the ‘Discovery’ section within our journal Expert Reviews in Molecular Medicine (ERMM) and now welcome high-quality, innovative original research papers to complement its authoritative ‘Reviews’ section.…

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