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Computational neuroscience and clinical perspective: Approaching negative symptomatology

We are honoured that our paper “Longitudinal trajectories in negative symptoms and changes in brain cortical thickness: 10-year follow-up” has been chosen as RCPsych Article of the Month. During recent years, our team has been part of the “Programa de Atención a Fases Iniciales de Psicosis (PAFIP)”. PAFIP is a three-year early intervention initiative designed for individuals who have experienced their first episode of psychosis (FEP). Those who willingly joined this program received comprehensive care from a team of professionals, including psychiatric nursing, psychology, psychiatry, and social work. A decade after the onset of psychotic disorders, the PAFIP team reconnected with the participants for a follow-up evaluation.

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“Too interesting to ignore”

Following the launch of Research Directions: Bioelectronics by Cambridge University Press, Editor-in-Chief Samit Chakrabarty explains more about this fascinating branch of science A translated version of a Russian university textbook on human physiology might seem an unlikely source of inspiration for a leader in the world of neuroscience – but that is exactly what set Dr.…

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