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A Fall That Keeps on Falling

When writing about the uncertain future of contact improvisation during the summer and fall of 2020, in the wake of Nancy Stark Smith’s passing, I noted that one of her most significant contributions to understandings of CI was her theory of “the gap.”…

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20 Years of Organised Sound: A Brief History

Issue 20/1 of Organised Sound marks the start of the journal’s twentieth year, offering the perfect opportunity to take a closer look at the formative years of OS and how the journal has developed into the focal point of electroacoustic music studies that it is today.…

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Western Art Music in Japan: A Success Story?

This blogpost is adapted from Dr. Margaret Mehl’s introduction to the latest special issue of Nineteenth-Century Music Review. Japan’s successful modernization on Western premises, in the second half of the nineteenth century, included the introduction and adoption of Western music.…

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TEMPO – Tentative Affinities

This blogpost was adapted from the inaugural editorial by TEMPO’s new Editor Bob Gilmore and Reviews Editor Juliet Fraser. 2014 marks the 75th anniversary of TEMPO, and it seems appropriate to ask – in our world of instant connectivity, where information, attitudes and opinions are scattered online as freely as bat droppings – if the new music world still needs a quarterly periodical such as this.…

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