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Art and character: My Ancient Greek dinner guest

In discussing the interconnections of action and character (ethos) in tragedy, Aristotle praises the Greek painter Polygnotos for his “fine depiction of character” (Poetics 1450a27), contrasting his work with that of Zeuxis, who, famous for his realism, does not depict character.…

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Understanding the Mexica

Articles in Ancient Mesoamerica offer insights about the Mexican highlands before, during, and after the Mexica took control of it. In only a couple hundred years, they created an empire that stretched from coast to coast in ancient Mesoamerica.…

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Practicing Remote Science

COVID-19 related travel restrictions and social distancing protocols have precluded many archaeological field projects in the past six months. And while conferences and meetings can be taken to the virtual realm, the challenges facing those of us whose work is founded on field-based research are becoming readily apparent.…

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