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Threat, Prejudice, and White Americans’ Attitudes toward Immigration and Syrian Refugee Resettlement

On January 27, 2017, one week after his inauguration, President Trump signed the “Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States” executive order which indefinitely suspends the resettlement of Syrian refugees, temporarily bans people from seven majority-Muslim countries from entering the U.S.…

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Latinos and American Catholicism: Examining Service Provision Amidst Demographic Change

The hashtag #primariessowhite has been trending in reference to the all-white, mostly male candidate pool for the Democratic presidential nomination. Little discussed is the fact that the demographics of the potential candidates is the result of institutional processes and procedures that artificially inflate the importance of white, middle class voters and suppress the political influence of racial and ethnic minorities by making harder for candidates of color to secure nominations and win offices.…

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Unpacking the Political Implications of Latinx Interstate Migration

Among the many narratives about political ramifications of racial and ethnic demographic change in the United States over the last several decades, the potential of Latinx population growth to shift the nature of politics in the states, and even the calculus of Presidential campaigns, gained prominence as Latinx population growth seemed concentrated in what were long considered Republican strongholds.…

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No Safe Space: Neoliberalism and the Production of Violence in the Lives of Central American Migrants

Central American migration is not a new phenomenon. While the contexts causing people to leave the region, primarily the Northern Triangle, have changed over time, they remain interconnected in that the historical “push factors” for migration out of Central America laid the foundations for the migratory flows we are seeing now.…

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The Case for Illegal Immigration

On 4th February Donald Trump delivered what may be his last State of the Union. He is facing a tough election later in the year and it comes as no surprise that his address was chock full of themes to get his base frothing at the mouth, among which was illegal immigration.…

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What Cuban history can teach us about Trump’s comments on Haiti

Matthew Casey, author of Empire’s Guest Workers, discusses President Trump’s recent comments on Haiti. Donald Trump’s description of Haiti as one of a number of “shithole countries” came one day before the anniversary of the 2010 Haitian earthquake and a few weeks after he resurrected stereotypes associating Haitians with AIDS.…

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