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Coronavirus and Cambridge: two years on

When The Global Pandemic started two years ago, Cambridge University Press was quick to react with a number of extraordinary initiatives that supported not only the goal to work towards eradicating the virus, but also our mission to advance learning, research and knowledge worldwide. …

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Is physical distancing worth it, given its tremendous costs to the economy?

The novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, was declared a pandemic by the WHO in March 2020. Around this time, many states and local governments in the United States declared states of emergencies and adopted policies aimed at reducing the frequency of physical contacts between people—social or physical distancing measures—in an attempt to stop the spread of the virus.…

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Remote Delivery of CBT Training, Clinical Supervision and Services: In Times of Crisis or Business As Usual

The October 2020 British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies (BABCP) Article of the Month is from the Cognitive Behaviour Therapist (tCBT) and is entitled “Remote delivery of CBT training, clinical supervision and services: in times of crisis or business as usual” by Paul Cromarty, Dominic Gallagher and Julianne Watson.…

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Health Anxiety In Children and Young People During The COVID-19 Pandemic

The September 2020 British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies (BABCP) Article of the Month is from Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy and is entitled ‘Practitioner Review: Health Anxiety in Children and Young People in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic’ by Andy Haig-Ferguson, Kate Cooper, Emma Cartwright, Maria Loades and Jo Daniels.…

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Black Swans and Generative Resilience

‘Generative resilience’ distinctively involves the imagination of the new in response to the unimagined – indeed a difficult operation, calling for particular forms of thinking, not only for particular structures.…

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OCD and COVID-19: A New Frontier

The July British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies (BABCP) Article of the Month is from the Cognitive Behaviour Therapist (tCBT) and is entitled “OCD and COVID-19: a new frontier” by Amita Jassi, Khodayar Shahriyarmolki, Tracey Taylor, Lauren Peile, Fiona Challacombe, Bruce Clark and David Veale This article came to life on the back of discussions within the National Highly Specialised Services for severe OCD/BDD teams at the start of the pandemic.…

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What are the avenues for corporate liability for COVID-19-related human rights abuses?

This post was originally published on the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre’s website and can be accessed here.  The devastating human rights implications of the global COVID-19 pandemic have been thoroughly documented: Civil society has exposed the failure of many governments to protect their citizens and of many businesses to respect human rights in accordance with the UN Guiding Principles on Business & Human Rights.…

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COVID-19’s Impact on Youth Un/employment and Social Policy in Turkey

The COVID-19 crisis is an unprecedented one in terms of its reach and pervasiveness, and it exposed the vulnerabilities of the global social, political, and economic system. That said, its impact on countries has been uneven and this unevenness depended heavily on the position countries were in immediately prior to the crisis. In Turkey, the key issue of youth un/employment emerged as one of the long-lasting ones since it was a major challenge before the crisis. Policy-making emerged as another key issue as the ability to generate long-term planning escaped Turkey and countries alike for a while. Regardless of when we will get past the pandemic, the post-COVID-19 world will be an extremely difficult one.

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On the Front Line: COVID-19 Whistleblowers in China, the USA and Europe

Whistleblowers have become essential watchdogs during the COVID-19 pandemic. In my recent article in the European Journal of Risk Regulation I discuss the main whistleblowing cases in China, the USA and Europe showing how workers, especially medical workers, are not only on the front line of dealing with this global crisis, but also confronting censorship of information by governments and authorities.…

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Quebec’s Response to the Coronavirus Pandemic

HEPL blog series: Country Responses to the Covid19 Pandemic   Quebec’s response to the coronavirus pandemic   Greg Marchildon [1] [2] Amélie Quesnel-Vallée [2] [3] Madeline King [2] Antonina Maltsev [2] [1] Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation, University of Toronto [2] North American Observatory on Health Systems and Policies [3] McGill Observatory on Health and Social Services Reforms, Department of Sociology and Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health, McGill University   Background and Scope Quebec has been the hardest hit jurisdiction in Canada yet among the first provinces to begin reopening.…

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Albania’s Response to the Coronavirus Pandemic

HEPL blog series: Country Responses to the Covid19 Pandemic   Albania’s response to the coronavirus pandemic Andi Hoxhaj, University of Warwick   The coronavirus pandemic officially started in Albania on 8th of March when the Ministry of Health announced the country’s first cases – a father and son who had travelled from Italy to Albania.…

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Poland’s Response to the Coronavirus Pandemic

HEPL blog series: Country Responses to the Covid19 Pandemic   Poland’s response to the Coronavirus Pandemic Michał Zabdyr-Jamróz, Iwona Kowalska-Bobko   As of 8th May Poland has reported a total of 15,200 confirmed COVID-19 cases; 5,184 recoveries; 9,260 active cases (2% being serious or critical) and 756 deaths associated with the disease (20 deaths per 1 million inhabitants).…

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Ontario’s Response to the Coronavirus Pandemic

HEPL blog series: Country Responses to the Covid19 Pandemic Ontario’s response to the coronavirus pandemic   Greg Marchildon[1][2] Sara Allin[1][2] Karen Born[1]   [1] Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation, University of Toronto [2] North American Observatory on Health Systems and Policies     Background and Scope With 39% of Canada’s population (14.7 million residents), Ontario is home to the country’s largest city, Toronto, and its national capital of Ottawa.…

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Malaysia’s Response to the Coronavirus Pandemic

HEPL blog series: Country Responses to the Covid19 Pandemic   Malaysia’s Response to the Coronavirus Pandemic YingYing Yew University of Oviedo, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Unit for Research in Emergency & Disaster, Campus del Cristo, E-33006, Oviedo, Spain     On the 23rd January 2020, the Singapore Immigration Checkpoints Authority alerted its counterpart neighbour regarding foreign visitors that tested positive for COVID-19 and managed to get across to the Malaysian border.…

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Brazil’s Response to the Coronavirus Pandemic

HEPL blog series: Country Responses to the Covid19 Pandemic Brazil’s response to the coronavirus pandemic     Elize Massard da Fonseca, São Paulo School of Business Administration, Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV) Francisco Inácio Bastos, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz)     Brazil is known for its successful control of communicable infectious diseases, such as HIV/AIDS and hepatitis (Barreto et al.…

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Greece’s Response to the Coronavirus Pandemic

HEPL blog series: Country Responses to the Covid19 Pandemic   Greece’s response to the coronavirus pandemic   Aris Angelis1, Ilias Kyriopoulos1, Irene Papanicolas1,2, Sotiris Vandoros2,3 1 Department of Health Policy, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK 2 Harvard T.H.…

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Tracking COVID-19: Privacy, Health, and Private Power

Experience in several states across Europe shows that the individual sense of whether COVID-19 represents an emergency situation that requires drastic, temporary, behavioral changes and social distancing (#stayathome) appears to differ starkly and, to a certain extent, is dependent on cultural patterns of socializing.…

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