childhood obesity

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Disparities in Feeding Practices and Nutrient Intake Among US Infants and Toddlers

The rise in childhood obesity in the US has increased rates of health problems such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension, fatty liver disease, anxiety, and depression in children. Early obesity also increases the risk for adult obesity and obesity-related disease. Factors associated with early childhood obesity include rapid weight gain in early infancy, Mexican-American ethnicity and being low income. However, not much has been reported on disparities in early feeding practices and nutrient intake by race/ethnicity and income.

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Breakfast Cereals Contain Shocking Levels of Sugar (Up to 35%) In Spite of Manufacturers’ Claims Over the Last 20 Years

According to a new study by Action on Sugar and Consensus Action on Salt and Health (CASH) at Queen Mary University of London[i], published by the journal Public Health Nutrition, the salt content of popular breakfast cereals sold in the UK since 2005 has decreased by approximately 50% over the past 10 years owing to the successful salt reduction programme – particularly the target-based approach to gradually reduce salt added to food.…

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Toddlers’ eating habits may harm long-term health 

UK toddlers are consuming more calories and protein than recommended, potentially putting them at risk of obesity in later life, according to a new UCL study. The study, published today in the British Journal of Nutrition, showed children’s diets are lacking in fibre, vitamin D and iron but contain too much sodium which may lead to future health problems.

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