Cambridge University Press

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Being a nurse

In times of health adversity the nurse has always been there, and now more than ever nurses are stepping up and out of there comfort zone to provide nursing care.…

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Our response to cOAlition S’s proposal for transformative journals

In November last year, cOAlition S proposed a new route to compliance with Plan S: transformative journals. In brief, the proposal requires transformative journals to: Grow their Open Access (OA) primary research content by 8 percentage points a year, to flip to wholly OA when they reach 50% OA or by end 2024 at the latest To  have transparent pricing for both the OA content (with services breakdown)  and subscription content (avoiding double-dipping) To offer APC waivers and discounts To transform to OA with overall cost neutrality To ‘regularly update’ authors on the usage, citations, and online attention of their articles.…

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Journals Update 2019/2020

The upcoming year sees exciting change for Cambridge University Press’s journals line-up. In this blog post is a preview of brand new launch titles, titles that are switching to a fully Open Access model, and changes to how the Journal of Fluid Mechanics is published.…

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The Long Lives of Old Books

In 1584 Edmund Roberts had just a few months to live. A devout Christian, the book of hours that he used every day to guide his prayers was old and worn, with extra texts crammed into spaces that had originally been left blank.…

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Journals Update 2019

In this update you’ll find all the information about the exciting changes to Cambridge University Press’s journals line-up in 2019, including a first look at a brand new launch title, titles that are switching to a fully Open Access model, and the new publishing partnerships we’ve established.…

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The latest KBART improvements

Cambridge Core was designed to allow for continual improvement based on feedback from our customers. Since launch, KBART lists have seen significant improvements, with the latest being the ability to select more granular options when setting variables for your list downloads.…

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Origins of the Sicilian Mafia: The Market for Lemons

The Sicilian mafia is arguably one of the most infamous institutions in the Western world. After its first appearance in Sicily in the 1870s it soon infiltrated the economic and political spheres of Italy and of the United States and has, at times, been considered a serious threat to the rule of law in both countries.…

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Holocaust Scholarship and Politics in the Public Sphere: Reexamining the Causes, Consequences, and Controversy of the Historikerstreit and the Goldhagen Debate

Last year marked the anniversary of two of the most important scholarly debates about modern German history and the Holocaust: the so-called Historikerstreit (“historians’ quarrel”) that erupted thirty years ago in West Germany, as well as the lively debate sparked exactly a decade later by the publication in 1996 of Daniel J.…

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Profile: Frances Pinter and Knowledge Unlatched

Frances Pinter is the Founder of Knowledge Unlatched, an Open Access pilot project for ebooks, which includes CUP titles. Frances says that Knowledge Unlatched was an idea born out of frustration with a business model that ‘just skimmed the market and only got important foundational books into a handful of wealthy libraries’.…

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New institutional ebook pricing 2014

On May 1st 2014, we radically changed the pricing model for Cambridge ebooks available to institutions. The changes have created a simpler pricing structure, making it easier for institutional customers to buy Cambridge ebooks.…

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