Richard Thwaites

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How We Can Develop and Effectively Disseminate CBT

As part of Mental Illness Awareness Week, the Cognitive Behaviour Therapist (tCBT) is focussing on an issue central to the remit of the journal – namely how can we develop and effectively disseminate CBT and also how we can support the delivery of this group of therapies for individuals with mental illness or psychological distress.…

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Special Issue of the Cognitive Behaviour Therapist on Complexity within Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

When I first took over as Editor-in-Chief of the Cognitive Behaviour Therapist (tCBT), I was extremely excited to hear that there was already a planned (and almost completed) forthcoming Special Issue on Complexity in Cognitive Behaviour Therapist (CBT) being Guest Edited by Claire Lomax and Stephen Barton from Newcastle University, UK (Lomax & Barton, 2017).…

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