Charlotte Porter

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New wallaby-sized dinosaur from the ancient Australian-Antarctic rift valley

Upper jaws of a new dinosaur from Victoria, Australia, give fresh insight into the diversity of small herbivorous dinosaurs that once inhabited the ancient Australian-Antarctic rift valley 125 million years ago A new, wallaby-sized herbivorous dinosaur has been identified from five fossilized upper jaws in 125 million year old rocks from the Cretaceous period of Victoria, southeastern Australia.…

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Researchers find lifestyle link in depression

Researchers following the progress of 1200 people for five years have found strong links between unhealthy lifestyles and depression. Researchers at the University of Tasmania’s Menzies Institute for Medical Research studied the impact of lifestyle on depression and the impact of depression on lifestyle.…

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Cambridge launch new open access journal – Global Health, Epidemiology and Genomics

Cambridge unveils new Open Access journal – Global Health, Epidemiology and Genomics (GHEG) Cambridge University Press is delighted to announce a major new open access journal, Global Health, Epidemiology and Genomics (GHEG), dedicated to publishing and disseminating research that addresses and increases understanding of global and population health issues through the application of population science, genomics and applied technologies.…

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A looming danger…

This paper reports on four paediatric patients who presented with a loom band associated foreign body in the nose over a 7-day period at a district general hospital in Scotland.…

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The relationship between depression, mild cognitive impairment, and future risk of progression to dementia

The December International Psychogeriatrics Article of the Month is entitled ‘Amnestic mild cognitive impairment and incident dementia and Alzheimer’s disease in geriatric depression’ by David C Steffens, Douglas R McQuoid and Guy G Potter In this month’s “Paper of the Month,” Steffens and colleagues report on the relationship between depression, mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and future risk of progression to dementia.…

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Expert Reviews in Molecular Medicine launches ‘Discovery’ section

Expert Reviews in Molecular Medicine launches ‘Discovery’ section and welcomes original research under a gold Open Access extension. We have launched the ‘Discovery’ section within our journal Expert Reviews in Molecular Medicine (ERMM) and now welcome high-quality, innovative original research papers to complement its authoritative ‘Reviews’ section.…

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Long term effects of childhood bullying

Childhood bullying shown to increase likelihood of psychotic experiences in later life New research has shown that being exposed to bullying during childhood will lead to an increased risk of psychotic experiences in adulthood, regardless of whether they are victims or perpetrators.…

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Renaming schizophrenia

The name “Schizophrenia” is the subject of a new Forum in the journal Psychological Medicine. An article written by Bill George and Aadt Klijn, Foreign Affairs co-coordinators for Anoiksis (the Dutch association of and for people with a psychotic vulnerability), has been reflected on by various commentators.…

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Genetics Research is evolving

The new Editor-in-Chief of Genetics Research, Dr Noam Shomron, shares his thoughts on how the journal is undergoing an evolution… In 2013, Genetics Research is entering a new phase of its existence.…

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Why study twins and what is a twin registry?

Find out the Guest Editors’ (Yoon-Mi Hur and Jeffrey M. Craig) response to these questions and more about a recent special issue in Twin Research and Human Genetics titled “Twin registries worldwide: An important resource for scientific research”   Why study twins?

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PTSD Symptoms common among ICU survivors

–Condition long linked to war veterans found in one in three ventilated patients One in three people who survived stays in an intensive care unit (ICU) and required use of a mechanical ventilator showed substantial post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms that lasted for up to two years, according to a new Johns Hopkins study of patients with acute lung injury.…

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