How did Down syndrome get its name?

Some disability-related names have dropped out of usage, because they are now considered to be offensive due to their origins. Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21) is one example. This is a genetic condition caused by an extra chromosome and it is the most common chromosomal anomaly in humans. The condition was originally called “Mongolism.” This term dates back to the 1860s, when British doctor John Langdon Down first described the disorder.

In 1866, Down published the academic paper, “Observations on an ethnic classification of idiots,” in which he claimed that it was possible to categorize different types of conditions by ethnic classifications. He thought that people with this disorder shared facial features with people of Mongolian ethnicity, so he named it “Mongolism.” Down further believed that this condition was a reversion to an inferior race. The term soon became offensive because it was racially charged, implying that Mongolian people were inferior.

The original name was also offensive because it mischaracterized the condition. But in 1959, French geneticist Jerome Lejeune discovered its genetic cause, which is an extra copy of Chromosome 21. In 1961, Lejeune, along with other international experts and Down’s grandson Norman, petitioned the medical community to find a new name, because Mongolism was a misnomer. In 1965, the World Health Organization finally withdrew the name after a request by a delegation from the Mongolian People’s Republic who wanted to reclaim the name of their native people. The condition was re-named Down syndrome, after John Langdon Down, while “Trisomy 21” is also used. (“Down’s Syndrome” is still used in the UK.) When the name was changed to a more clinical and therefore accurate name, it helped to increase the public’s understanding of the medical condition, and encouraged empathy for people born with the condition.

During the 1960s, some believed Down syndrome was a relatively new condition. In support of this “modern theory”, they noted that people with the condition were not portrayed in ancient art. In response, others observed historical paintings that appear to depict subjects with Down syndrome, and proposing that the condition existed throughout human history. For example, the Nativity scene in the Flemish painting “The Adoration of the Christ Child” (Circa 1515, by follower of Jan Joest) may be an early depiction of Down syndrome in Western art.1 An angel and shepherd shown in the painting have facial features suggestive of Down syndrome. A few years ago, the earliest confirmed case of Down syndrome was found: the skeleton of a child who died in Medieval France.2 The way the child was buried, just like any other person buried during this time, suggests that Down syndrome was not necessarily stigmatized during the Middle Ages.

Today, it is perceived as misleading and offensive to use “Mongoloid” to refer to people with this condition, although not everyone is aware of this. In November 2017, nutritionist Libby Weaver issued an apology and recalled 20,000 copies of her book “What Am I Supposed To Eat?” following complaints of her use of “Mongolism” to refer to Down syndrome. Mongoloid, Mongol, mong, and mongy are still used as insults toward people with intellectual disabilities and as general terms of abuse. In October 2011, English comedian Ricky Gervais came under fire when he shared the joke, “Two mongs don’t make a right” on Twitter. He refused to apologize and even added a sketch about “mongs” to his comedy routine. Eventually, after much public pressure, he backed down and apologized, admitting that he had offended people by using the term and did not realize that it was still used as a derogatory term for people with Down syndrome and other disabilities, or to imply disability. When high profile people such as Gervais wield the former diagnosis as an insult it can have the effect of popularizing the term as a slur, which can further stigmatize and marginalize the people involved.

Today, the World Health Organization is careful to ensure that places and people are not stigmatized when it comes to the naming of new diseases and conditions.

Read about this topic and more in Karen Stollznow’s new book, “On the Offensive: Prejudice in Language Past and Present.”


1. Leach, Mark. 2013. Down syndrome diagnosis at the Adoration of the Christ.

2. Barras, Colin. 2014. Oldest case of Down’s syndrome from medieval France.

On the Offensive by Karen Stollznow

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