Expert Reviews in Molecular Medicine launches ‘Discovery’ section

Expert Reviews in Molecular Medicine launches ‘Discovery’ section and welcomes original research under a gold Open Access extension.

We have launched the ‘Discovery’ section within our journal Expert Reviews in Molecular Medicine (ERMM) and now welcome high-quality, innovative original research papers to complement its authoritative ‘Reviews’ section. Authors who wish to publish their papers in ‘ERMM: Discovery’ will be able to do so under a gold Open Access model and payment of an article processing charge (APC). Reviews will continue to be accessed via a subscription to ERMM, with Open Access as an option for Review authors to choose should they wish to pay the APC.

ERMM has been publishing high-quality peer-refereed review articles since late 1997, which have proved a valuable forum for authoritative reviews in the area of molecular medicine. The Journal has an impressive Impact Factor of 6.628 (2012), which places it in a strong position amongst its competitors and this expansion will provide readers and authors with an enhanced resource for molecular medicine research.

ERMM: Discovery will be overseen and edited by Dr Julian Sale who will be working alongside the Editor-in-Chief, Professor Timothy Cox.

“We are delighted that Cambridge University Press has decided to enrich its portfolio of contemporary biological science by taking this publication initiative; it will incorporate new pages of experimental research to synergise with Expert Reviews. We welcome this innovative step and greatly look forward to receiving fresh discovery science in molecular medicine for competitive publication.”

Molecular medicine as a broad definition refers to elucidating the pathogenesis of disease at the molecular or physiological level, which may lead to the design of specific tools for disease diagnosis, treatment or prevention – this highlights the timeliness and importance of the Journal in the field. ERMM: Discovery will publish original work from across the full breadth of molecular medicine and pathology. Its scope mirrors that of ERMM: Reviews focussing on the molecular mechanisms of disease, diagnostics and therapy. The Journal particularly invites original research papers which provide mechanistic insights, while papers of a purely descriptive or correlative nature and case reports are unlikely to be accepted unless they provide exceptional scientific insight.

The Editors are inviting high-quality contributions of original research for ERMM: Discovery and review papers for ERMM: Reviews. For detailed instructions on how to prepare your submission, please see our Instructions for Contributors.

Content from Expert Reviews in Molecular Medicine can be viewed at A subscription will be required to access Review articles but all Discovery articles will be freely available under an OA license and are not included in the subscription price. All Open Access articles in this journal have article level metrics available.

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