Genetics Research is evolving

The new Editor-in-Chief of Genetics Research, Dr Noam Shomron, shares his thoughts on how the journal is undergoing an evolution…

In 2013, Genetics Research is entering a new phase of its existence. The beginning of this year brought a new cover, new Editorial board, an amended scope, and the journal now publishes online only!

The journal now focuses on the use of new technologies, such as massive parallel sequencing together with bioinformatics analysis, to produce increasingly detailed views of how genes function in tissues and how these genes perform, individually or collectively, and cause the beginning of diseases.

Dr Shomron comments in his first editorial for the journal,

“The publication of the human genome, more than a decade ago, alongside the development of high-throughput technologies for DNA sequencing, marked the dawn of a new era in genetics. Large genomic projects have been initiated to decipher the mysteries hidden within the human genetic code.

With the rapidly ever-growing amount of genetic information, and the importance of understanding what it all means, there is a need to generate an interdisciplinary hub that will connect researchers, both experimentalists and bioinformaticians, along with physicians and community representatives in order to develop a common genomic language.

This should lead to an accessible, readable and interpretive human genome with a short list of personal actionable items. We will then be able to declare that we are moving ever closer to the point at which one’s own genome will affect one’s personal life at a scope beyond our current comprehension.

All of the above sums up in essence what Genetics Research hopes to achieve going forward and it will become the forum where these new and exciting challenges will be highlighted, debated and disseminated!”

View the full editorial here.

To celebrate all the changes happening for the journal you can read the first issue of the year for free here for a limited time.



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