Family Fest by Lynn Casteel Harper
Family Fest by Lynn Casteel Harper

Enjoy this audio recording of “Family Fest” by Lynn Casteel Harper from issue 27:2 of CALYX Journal! Buy the full issue here. Lynn Casteel Harper is a writer, minister, and chaplain.  She is the author of On Vanishing (Catapult, April 2020), a nonfiction book that explores the dimensions of spirituality, social justice, and dementia. Lynn received a Barbara Deming Fund grant

Halfway In by Judy Halebsky
Halfway In by Judy Halebsky

Enjoy this audio recording of “Halfway In” by Judy Halebsky from issue 27:2 of CALYX Journal! Buy the full issue here. Judy Halebsky is the author of the poetry collections Sky=Empty, Tree Line and the chapbook Space/Gap/Interval/Distance. Fellowships from the MacDowell Colony, the Millay Colony, and the Vermont Studio Center have supported her work. Her passions include the Moth-style storytelling

Saturday by Emily Tuszynska
Saturday by Emily Tuszynska

Enjoy this audio recording of “Saturday” by Emily Tuszynska, the runner-up in the 2018 Lois Cranston Poetry Prize contest. Read the poem here. Emily Tuszynska’s poetry can be found in many journals, recently including Poetry Northwest, Salamander, The Southern Review, and Water-Stone Review. She lives in Virginia, just outside Washington, D.C.

What Hummingbirds Do by Louise Cary Barden
What Hummingbirds Do by Louise Cary Barden

Enjoy this audio recording of “What Hummingbirds Do” by Louise Cary Barden from issue 31:1 of CALYX Journal! Buy the full issue here. “What Hummingbirds Do” was the winner of the 2018 Lois Cranston Poetry Prize. The poem can be read here. Louise Cary Barden is the author of Tea Leaves, winner of the North