May 30, 2024 07:56 PM

China’s Former Top Sports Official Put Under Corruption Investigation

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Gou Zhongwen, the former director of China's General Administration of Sport and a current standing committe member of the country's top political consultative organ. Photo: VCG
Gou Zhongwen, the former director of China's General Administration of Sport and a current standing committe member of the country's top political consultative organ. Photo: VCG

A former chief of China’s General Administration of Sport (GAS) is being investigated by the country’s top graft busters, authorities announced Thursday, as the government deepens its crackdown on corruption in sports.

Gou Zhongwen, a standing committee member of China’s top political consultative body, is under investigation for suspected “serious violations of discipline and law,” the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI) said in a one-line statement. The phrase is a common euphemism for corruption.

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Explore the story in 30 seconds
  • Gou Zhongwen, ex-chief of China's General Administration of Sport, is under investigation for suspected corruption.
  • The probe follows similar investigations into several of Gou's subordinates, focusing on Olympic preparations and soccer.
  • Gou, involved in Olympic preparations for Tokyo 2020 and Beijing 2022, held various influential positions and retired in 2022.
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What Happened When
Late 2016:
Gou Zhongwen was named the party chief of the General Administration of Sport (GAS).
Gou Zhongwen retired as GAS director.
Late 2022:
China’s crackdown on sports corruption began, focusing on Olympic preparations and soccer.
Before May 22, 2024:
Several of Gou’s former subordinates fell under graft probes.
May 22, 2024:
Gou Zhongwen attended his last public appearance at a study group meeting.
By May 22, 2024:
Gou Zhongwen made his last public appearance, attending a study group meeting as the deputy director of the CPPCC's Committee on Ethnic and Religious Affairs.
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