Juanita Broaddrick "Extremely Surprised," But "Not Unhappy" To Be In New Trump Ad

"It is painful to hear, it's painful to hear my voice, say those words again, but I think it's important," she said in a radio interview. She had not been contacted by Trump.

Juanita Broaddrick – the Arkansas woman who in 1999 accused then-President Bill Clinton of raping her two decades prior – said Wednesday she's didn't know she'd be in Donald Trump's latest presidential ad, but that's she not unhappy about it.

"I take interviews as they come, when people ask I try assist as best I can to explain about Hillary," Broaddrick told WRKO on Wednesday when asked if she was okay with how she would be brought up in the coming months. "But I've had no contact with Donald Trump's organization or Donald Trump. I just really don't know at this moment."

On Tuesday, Donald Trump released a 20-second ad featuring voices of women who had accused former President Bill Clinton of sexual misconduct. Broaddrick is featured in the ad with audio of her in a 1999 interview that aired on NBC's Dateline describing what she said was how then-Arkansas Attorney Bill Clinton sexually assaulted her in a local hotel. Broaddrick said she first learned about it through a friend, Breitbart News reporter and weekend talk radio host Aaron Klein.

"No, in fact, I was extremely surprised about it," said Broaddrick. "I was surprised but I have to say, I'm not unhappy about it. It is painful to hear, it's painful to hear my voice, say those words again, but I think it's important."

Later, Broaddrick said she was voting for Donald Trump mainly because he was not Hillary Clinton, but said she hoped to learn more about it. Still, she said she didn't know if she'd want to get involved with his campaign.

"I'm very appreciated to him for bringing out this about Clinton," she said.

"I don't have any plans towards that at this moment," she added of campaigning for Trump. "It was like, yesterday when that ad came out, I wasn't aware it was coming out, but yet, it's OK."

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