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    These Hard-To-Reach Places Can Be Nightmare To Clean, But Bearable With These Products

    Including a dusting sponge perfect for baseboards and a special mop that fit into every nook and cranny.

    I can’t possibly be the only one haunted by that layer of dust and grime coating that tiny ledge on my baseboards or cringing at the thought of all the dust bunnies that have made a home beneath my oven. If only there were specially designed tools and products out there to make cleaning these hard-to-reach areas throughout your home not just possible, but easier.

    An extendable tile scrubber, a no-scrub shower cleaner and a microfiber blind duster.

    Luckily, there’s a whole list’s worth of vacuum attachments that reach behind furniture and clever electric scrubbers that extend and do all the heavy lifting and tons more. See the list for yourself ahead so you don’t spend another second scaling ladders to clean your ceiling fan or kneeling on the ground scrubbing one more inch of tile grout.

    1. A telescoping "baseboard buddy"

    the Baseboard Buddy

    2. A cordless and adjustable electric scrubber

    the scrubber and its accessories

    3. A multi-tasking "blade maid"

    the Blade Maid and its packaging

    4. Dishwasher cleaning tablets

    a box of the Affresh cleaner

    5. An extendable tile scrubber

    the Oxo tile scrubber

    6. A detachable steam cleaner

    the steam cleaner

    7. A microfiber blind duster brush

    the blind dusters

    8. A dryer vent cleaning kit

    the dryer vent cleaning kit in use

    9. A three-in-one wall and floor mop

    the mop and its accessories

    10. A no-scrub spray and forget shower cleaner

    the Wet & Forget Shower cleaner

    11. A groove gap cleaning brush

    the gap cleaning brush in use

    12. A four-pack of damp clean dust sponges

    the sponges