Trump's Spokesman Lying Is Now A Ridiculous Meme

"Nickelback has sold more records than any other band in history. Period."

President Trump's spokesperson, Sean Spicer, gave a press conference on Saturday in which he lied about the size of the crowd for Trump's inauguration.

“This was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration, period, both in person and around the globe,” he said. “These attempts to lessen the enthusiasm of the inauguration are shameful and wrong.”

Spicer blamed deceitful news organizations using bad camera angles, and said grass coverings meant that many photos of the event seemed to show a much smaller crowd than that of former President Obama's inaugurations.

As journalists and commenters parsed over Spicer's words, people on Twitter did what they are good at: turned the bizarre moment into a meme.

He is really good at Cyber you guys. We are seriously going to have the best Cyber. #SeanSpicer #SeanSpicerFacts

They tried to imagine what other things Spicer may try to tell reporters are facts.

Sean Spicer making math great again on behalf of the SCROTUS.

For example, they imagined he would have interesting opinions on music.

"Ringo Starr was clearly the brains behind The Beatles. Rigged media reports Lennon & McCartney. They lie. It was a…

"3 Doors Down has sold more records that the Beatles. Period." --Sean Spicer

"Nickleback has sold more records than any other band in history. Period."

Nickleback has sold more records than any other band in history. Period. -- Sean Spicer

"Kelis' milkshake brought NO boys to the yard, period."

"Kelis' milkshake brought NO boys to the yard, period" - @PressSec

Or maybe he would have some Star Wars opinions?

Jar Jar Binks is the best Star Wars character. Period. #seanspicerfacts #seanspicer

"The Star Wars prequels are actually really good, you're just not smart enough to appreciate the story."

"The Star Wars prequels are actually really good, you're just not smart enough to appreciate the story" #SeanSpicer

They imagined him having a lot of food opinions.

"Chipotle is Mexican food, period." #FakePressSecretary #seanspicer

"Sabra is real hummus, period."

"Sabra is real hummus, period." #FakePressSecretary #seanspicer

Or what about sports? "Ohio State is the best football team in the world- period."

"Ohio State is the best football team in the world- period" #seanspicer

And of course, they thought he may have more to say about President Trump.


Happy 2017.

"Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia." - Sean Spicer

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