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People Who Teach, What Is The Most Bizarre Thing You Experienced During A Parent-Teacher Conference

Whether it was something a parent said or how they interacted with another teacher down the hall, we want to know.

While parent-teacher conferences can be a pleasant experience, sometimes they can turn into incredibly stressful situations not only for the parent but also for the teacher and kid.

Adults meeting a young boy in a classroom setting; a teacher, a man, and a woman with curly hair

So, teachers, we want to know: "What is the wildest thing you have ever experienced during a parent-teacher conference?"

For instance, maybe in the middle of a discussion with a parent about their child, the parent randomly started doing their makeup routine and kept doing it even when you kindly asked them for their full attention.

An assortment of makeup items lies scattered on a surface, including lip gloss, mascara, a shimmer palette, glasses, and a small purse

Or maybe a parent didn't like how a discussion was going, so they called their therapist right then and there to see if you or they were right.

A man and woman sit across from another person at a desk, appearing to have a serious conversation. The man gestures with his hand while the woman listens

Finally, maybe a parent actually didn't show up at the conference and instead sent you an email stating some really wild things about you and the school.

A person wearing glasses and a plaid shirt is sitting at a desk, looking at a laptop screen, holding a pen, with a notebook and mug nearby

What happened after experiencing this wild interaction? Did you try to work with the parent, or did you have to reschedule the conference or even get the principal involved?

A group of people are mingling at a social event. Three women in the forefront are talking and smiling, one wearing a colorful scarf and another with a turquoise shirt. Names unknown

If the above resonates with you and if you feel comfortable doing so, tell us the wildest thing you experienced during a parent-teacher conference in the Google form or comments below.