

Aug 2017
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😶 P1nkL3m0n4d3 hasn’t published anything yet.

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  • P1nkL3m0n4d3's avatar

    P1nkL3m0n4d3 commented on The Mindy Kaling Backlash Has Lost All Nuance

    I feel like the article misunderstands the recent discussion. Yes, there is valid criticism linked to racial issues, but that's not the big problem with Velma. Rather, the issue is that Velma is a Riverdale-style, self-insert fanfiction that cuts out the titular character of the entire… 



  • P1nkL3m0n4d3's avatar

    P1nkL3m0n4d3 commented on People Are Sharing How They Fought The Healthcare System To Get Reproductive Care

    So I began birth control in Arkansas, and bizarrely enough for their reputation vis-a-vis reproductive rights, I had a great experience. Started at 18, told my doctor I didn't want the pill bc I'm a very scatterbrained person and I wanted something I could set and forget, she referred… 



  • P1nkL3m0n4d3's avatar

    P1nkL3m0n4d3 commented on 15 Famous People Who Have Come Out As Nonbinary In The Last 10 Years

    Congratulations! Gender identity is a journey that is so often oppressed by modern society, which is such a shame bc it often leads to a deeper sense of self in my experience. That quote is a great one and I'm glad it inspired you. Please know that even if this journey leads you back… 



  • P1nkL3m0n4d3's avatar

    P1nkL3m0n4d3 commented on 15 Famous People Who Have Come Out As Nonbinary In The Last 10 Years

    Hey friend, misgendering isn't really such a big deal so long as you apologize when it happens. Hell, I misgender myself all the damn time and I'm the one who picked these pronouns! On the subject of "it", that's generally taken as dehumanizing language w/o express permission, like… 



  • P1nkL3m0n4d3's avatar

    P1nkL3m0n4d3 commented on 15 Famous People Who Have Come Out As Nonbinary In The Last 10 Years

    Either it's copy-pasted from other articles/sources that have not been cited or the author's weirdly inconsistent. Some people are comfortable with more than one pronoun set, it's just how it be sometimes.



  • P1nkL3m0n4d3's avatar

    P1nkL3m0n4d3 commented on 15 Famous People Who Have Come Out As Nonbinary In The Last 10 Years

    Excellent questions! The most widely-accepted idea is gender is a social construct, and the binary specifically is nonsense meant to socially opress half the population for the benefit of the other half. In other terms, it doesn't matter. You can be a masculine she/her if that's… 



  • P1nkL3m0n4d3's avatar

    P1nkL3m0n4d3 commented on 15 Famous People Who Have Come Out As Nonbinary In The Last 10 Years

    Okay, wild bigotry aside, why do you even care? If you really believe this a large group of people sharing a delusional view of reality for attention, why give that attention? Isn't it much easier to block them or, y'know, log off? The prejudice the community faces is not comparable… 



  • P1nkL3m0n4d3's avatar

    P1nkL3m0n4d3 commented on 11 Characters Actors Would Totally Play Again Vs. 10 They Wish You'd Stop Asking About

    If they really wanted to, they could bring Mace Windu back in Kenobi really easily. Just saying!



  • P1nkL3m0n4d3's avatar

    P1nkL3m0n4d3 commented on 26 People Told Us Why They Changed From Anti-Abortion To Pro-Choice, And You Should Read This No Matter What You Believe

    Hey y'all, I didn't tell the full story. My dad's ex is an extremely abusive person, to the point that her son with my father once had a restraining order against her and calls her a whale every time she comes up in conversation. Dad found out about the abortion decades after it happened,… 



  • P1nkL3m0n4d3's avatar

    P1nkL3m0n4d3 commented on 6 Adaptations That Straightwashed Queer Characters, And 6 That Made Sure They Were Inclusive

    It's the most bare-minimum bullshit. One nod to his comic identity, one line from a dull conversation, and then he kisses himself. Why did Sylvie even have to be a seperate character anyway? It's beyond frustrating. For a character who can canonically shapeshift, they sure never take… 

