I'm Laughing At These 48 Things The World Says Americans Are OBSESSED With

    I need to speak with whoever said that about bagels, my god.

    Well, we're back!

    This time, we're talking about things people say Americans are OBSESSED with.

    Older person with US flag irises

    Let's take a look!

    1. Breadsticks.

    All this time I've wondered why Americans were so obsessed with breadsticks; it turns out US breadsticks are a totally different thing

    2. Things being "haunted."

    This may be a sweeping generalization but why are Americans so obsessed with things being haunted

    3. Spelling "Mississippi."

    Why are Americans obsessed with spelling Mississippi

    4. Oprah.

    why are Americans so obsessed with oprah
    Oprah in a chair

    5. Making up handshakes.

    why are americans so obsessed with making up handshakes

    6. Candles.

    why are americans so obsessed with candles

    7. Getting clothing from T-shirt cannons.

    It really beats me why Americans from small towns are so obsessed with wearing clothing fired from t-shirt cannons
    A woman holding a T-shirt cannon

    8. Ice.

    Why are Americans so obsessed with putting ice in their drinks?

    9. Salad.

    Why are Americans so obsessed with said it's so weird

    10. Cereal.

    Why are Americans obsessed with cereal; like seriously why

    11. The Olive Garden.

    Why are Americans so obsessed with the Olive Garden?
    Someone walking into an Olive Garden restaurant

    12. Tax returns.

    Why are Americans so obsessed with tax returns

    13. The word "literally."

    why are americans obsessed with the word "literally" lmaooo

    14. Gender-reveal parties.

    I will never understand why the fuck Americans so obsessed with gender reveal parties?
    People at a party with blue confetti falling

    15. Circumcision.

    genuinly why are americans so obsessed with circumcised dicks??

    16. St. Patrick's Day.

    why are americans so obsessed with  celebrating st patricks day; most of yall aren't even irish
    Three people in a green cart in a parade

    17. Bodegas.

    wtf is a bodega and why are americans so obsessed with them

    18. Chick-fil-A.

    what's chick-fil-a and why are you americans so obsessed with it

    19. Nice grass.

    Why are Americans so obsessed with nice grass
    Two people mowing a lawn

    20. Girl Scout cookies.

    Are Americans as obsessed with  girl scout cookies as they make out in literally every TV show and film?

    21. Mac 'n' cheese.

    just me or are americans so obsessed with mac n cheese

    22. Sheet cakes.

    i sweat to god americans are obsessed with sheet cakes and i havent seen on irl in my entire life
    "God bless Logan Henry" sheet cake

    23. Peanut butter.

    Americans so obsessed with peanut butter and have literally no idea why

    24. Talking about how long is takes to get somewhere.

    Americans are obsessed with talking about how long it took them to get somewhere
    Someone in a truck talking to someone standing by it and pointing

    25. Being "grown."

    Americans are obsessed with being (seeming) "grown"; why?

    26. Getting on The Ellen DeGeneres Show.

    the way americans are obsessed with trying to get on the ellen show makes me cringe hahaha
    Jimmy Fallon on the Ellen show

    27. Jello shots.

    why are americans so obsessed with jello shots
    Halloween store

    29. Saying "bless you."

    Americans are so obsessed with saying bless you to someone who sneezed it's so funny

    30. Hypothesizing how they would perform as a man in the WNBA.

    I really want to know why Americans are so obsessed with hypothesizing how they would perform as a man in the Women's NBA

    31. Christmas songs.

    why are americans so obsessed with christmas songs

    32. Ranch dressing.

    Ranch is disgusting Idk why Americans are so obsessed with it
    A bottle of ranch dressing

    33. Happy hour and marinara sauce.

    Americans are obsessed with happy hour and marinara sauce
    A bowl of marinara sauce

    34. Making movies about serial killers.

    why are americans so obsessed with making movies/series about real life serial killers

    35. Age gaps.

    why are americans so obsessed with age gaps

    36. Eating foods that taste like other foods.

    Why are Americans so obsessed with eating foods that taste like other food?

    37. White Claws.

    why are americans so obsessed w white claws i bet they taste like soda

    38. Thinking they're Italian.

    why are americans so obsessed with thinking they're italian
    Snooki from Jersey Shore at a media event, blowing kisses

    39. Putting marshmallows on everything on Thanksgiving.

    Why are Americans so obsessed with putting marshmallows in everything on Thanksgiving?

    40. Marriage shows.

    Why are Americans so obsessed with marriage? The number of all obscene these shows dedicated to love, relationships, marriages etc is alarming

    41. The national anthem.

    Serious question, why are Americans so obsessed with the national anthem
    Young girl holding a flag as athletes stand by her with their hands on their hearts

    42. Pressing charges.

    why are americans so obsessed with pressing charges

    43. ID'ing people.

    Why are Americans so obsessed with IDing people, jesus christ it's beer not crystal meth

    44. Bagels.

    Why are Americans so obsessed with bagels, it's literally a bread w a hole
    Bins of bagels

    45. Pumpkin.

    Why are Americans so obsessed with pumpkin? To me its just a side veggie

    46. Making celebrities out of stupid people.

    Why are Americans so obsessed with making celebrities out of stupid people?

    47. UFOs and aliens.

    Why are Americans so obsessed with UFOs and aliens

    48. And lastly, going to the gas station for snacks.

    why are americans so obsessed with  going to the gas station? if i was starving to death and you said i could get any snack from an american gas station i would simply die
    Person at a checkout counter