21 MORE Tips Every Woman Who Lives Alone Should Keep In Mind Because They Are THAT Helpful

    "I have an ongoing group chat with friends. If we don't all say good morning or good night by a certain time, someone will call the absentee member."

    We recently asked the BuzzFeed Community to share their most helpful safety tips for women living on their own. Because they had an abundance of such good advice, here are even MORE things worth keeping in mind before moving into your next place:

    1. "If you can afford it and if you have the time, get a dog. It doesn't even necessarily have to be a big dog, but one that will bark loudly if someone is at the door or window."

    A dog looking out the window

    2. "One thing I do is actively greet and say goodbye to my cat as if she's a real person. That way my neighbors at least don't assume I live alone."


    3. "Make sure your locks have been changed since the last tenant/owner. Call a reputable locksmith. I'm a former property manager, and we ALWAYS changed the locks when a tenant moved out (for the new tenant's security), even if they returned all the keys, but a lot of landlords don't bother. Set of keys go missing? Change the locks. Roommate leaves? Change the locks. Break up with someone who has a set of keys? Change the locks. Did a contractor have a set of keys? Change the locks. It's worth your peace of mind, trust me."

    A set of keys hanging in the door

    4. "I have an ongoing group chat with friends. If we don't all say good morning or good night by a certain time, someone will call the absentee member."


    5. "If you're supposed to put your name on the unit mailbox, just use your first initial rather than your whole name."

    A woman checking her mail

    6. "When I get a delivery I always ask that they leave it at the building entry. That way the delivery person doesn't know exactly where I live."


    7. "Go to the thrift store and buy a pair of old, worn men's boots. Leave them sitting outside the front door."

    Combat boots

    8. "Live on the upper floors where the access from outside is none or limited!"


    9. "I ALWAYS check around me before unlocking my door to go inside, or when I'm locking the door before leaving. Creeps lurk everywhere..."

    Someone holding a set of keys outside of a door

    10. "In addition to locking your doors at night, set something in front of them like a broom or something that's easy to knock over if someone manages to get in while you're sleeping. The noise will give you a heads up."


    11. "If listening to music while going for a walk or jog, only use one earpiece so that you can hear someone approaching."

    Woman jogging

    12. "Get an app that lets you know if your garage door is opening. My phone pings when the garage opens so I can call 911 if I'm alone and did not open it."


    13. "This might be minuscule, but [get] blinds and/or curtains. You don't have people looking in your windows, and you don't have to look out into the dark and scare yourself thinking there is someone watching you."

    Woman closing the curtains

    14. "I'm extremely picky about who I invite back or allow to stay overnight. Sharing my location with my family and a group of close friends does give me a lot of peace of mind, too."


    15. "Sprinkle baby powder on the floor at your entrances before you leave. If someone enters while you're gone, a footprint will be captured on the floor."

    Woman walking out the door

    16. "I keep a can of wasp spray in the bedroom. Nasty stuff and it shoots a long way!"


    17. "Have lamps that you leave on 24/7. I did this and had a neighbor tell me he never knew if I was home or not, or if I was awake or not. People can't use the lights to learn your schedule."

    Lamp on

    18. "Use door jams on exterior doors, tension rods on the windows, and bells on interior doors."


    19. "Get to know your neighbors. You don't have to be best friends, but be sure they know who you are and you know them. Wave, be friendly, and check in on them once in a while. I live in an apartment surrounded by other single people and knowing that we're all looking out for each other adds a sense of safety to the complex."

    Leighton Meester and Minka Kelly in The Roommate

    20. "Always be aware of your surroundings, especially when it's dark outside, morning, or night! People are always watching even if you don't realize it!"


    21. And finally, "Look and behave as a confident woman, no matter your age. TRUST YOUR INSTINCTS."

    Jennifer Lopez in Enough

    What safety tip would you add to this list? Share your suggestion(s) in the comments!

    Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.