People Who Previously Supported Trump Are Reacting To His Conviction, And Their Thoughts Range From "He's Lost My Vote" To "I Don't Care"

    "Convicted felons should NOT be allowed to be president! How could he pass a secret check to be able to read classified documents? He's lost my vote."

    Last week, former president and presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump became the first US president to be convicted of a crime after being found guilty of falsifying business records to seemingly hide an alleged sexual encounter with adult film star Stormy Daniels.

    Donald Trump smiling, showing his teeth, wearing a dark suit and white shirt

    While this unprecedented conviction has not stopped Trump from continuing his campaign for the 2024 presidency, it's sure to impact some voters as they make their final decisions.

    Donald Trump, seated in a courtroom, wearing a suit and patterned tie, with police officers and lawyers in the background

    We asked people who have previously voted for Trump to anonymously share how Trump's conviction has impacted their view of the 2024 election.

    55% of responders to our poll said they would still vote for Trump despite his felony conviction, while 43% said he has lost their vote.

    Here's what voters had to say:

    1. "Trump has lost my vote because I don't need anyone who thinks they are above the law to hold the office of president."


    2. "Prior to the conviction, it was a tossup. Two people too old to be president. The conviction has become the tiebreaker, and my vote is now for Biden."


    3. "I don't care if Trump did or didn't sleep with her. I care about how he ran this country when he was in office. He still has my vote."


    Donald Trump smiling, wearing a dark suit, white shirt, and red tie

    4. "The jury says he fudged his books, fair enough; it's a common practice for some corporations to fudge their books for a variety of reasons. Even though the trial was not charged with determining whether he had an affair, the cover-up implies he did. As a Christian, I can't support an [adulterer] who does not fess up. If he owned up, asked for forgiveness, and admitted his weaknesses, I could support him."


    5. "Trump has lost my vote. If a felon cannot vote in an election, why should one hold office, especially that of the president of the country who has a law that says felons can't vote? That's hypocrisy at its finest."


    6. "I'm still going to vote for Trump because I was not convinced that he is the one who falsified records."


    7. "Donald Trump has lost my vote because he's going to be too preoccupied with his other indictments."


    8. "The Republican party has always been tough on crime. I cannot vote for a convicted felon. He fought the law, and the law won."


    9. "Trump gets my vote whether he is dead, in prison, or alive and well."


    Donald Trump looks directly at the camera with a serious expression. He is wearing a blue suit and red tie

    10. "I'm still voting for Trump because the conviction was only a document case and most likely will be overturned on appeal."


    11. "Hush money to a porn star doesn't affect my standard of living. Donald Trump as president does affect my standard of living positively!"


    12. "Trump has lost my vote because he's a convicted felon."


    13. "I'm still supporting Trump because I believe he got an unfair trial and should have never been on trial in the first place."


    14. "As a Republican, I voted for Trump previously but would not vote for him again. I would never vote for a convicted felon for president."


    15. "We have always been a proud and honest country. I don't want a lying, dishonest felon running my country. The Republican party can do so much better than that."


    16. "I'm still going to vote for Trump because his past is his past. He's a great businessman and has done great things for this country. This includes foreign relations. He didn't even take a paycheck. I feel everything being done to him regarding this trial is politically motivated to have everyone questioning his credibility."


    Trump not taking a paycheck in 2020 has been questioned.

    17. "I voted for Trump twice before (not really for him, but against the other side). The insurrection and everything that followed have convinced me this angry orange man is a threat to democracy and that the ultra-conservative sect of Republicans is clearly biased against women. Now, even the Supreme Court is tainted and clearly has its own political agenda. Never again will I vote for this jerk."


    18. "Even if I see him in an orange prison outfit, he still gets my vote."


    19. "I didn't vote for Trump in 2016, but I voted for him in 2020. This year, I wanted Haley, but after she was out, I looked at the third-party candidates and followed the trial. I determined that the charges were very old and minor; thus, I don't care what the verdict was."

    "I am voting for Trump as a protest vote against using the courts to influence the vote. I feel that both Trump and, more so, Biden and his administration are risks to democracy."


    Trump, viewed from behind wearing a dark suit jacket

    20. "I voted for Trump previously, but besides him now being convicted, he has so many legal cases ahead of him, which I feel are important as a voter where I disagree with what he did. Character flaws abound, and any election denier not only goes against the fabric of our democracy but our faith in America. Jan. 6 still makes me cringe."


    21. "I'm undecided, but I'm waiting to see who his running mate is."


    22. "Trump's lies have gone beyond reason. I can no longer support him."


    23. "The constant scrutiny this man has endured really has opened my eyes; the more the media is anti-Trump, the more pro-Trump I become."


    24. "I have voted Republican for over 40 years. The party has lost its path and has gone to extremes. I will change to an independent. Trump will not get my vote."


    25. "Since I wasn't in the courtroom, I can't offer an opinion about his guilt. But the fact that Trump tried to cover up the initial act with Stormy Daniels reminds me of the Watergate cover-up that doomed Nixon's presidency. Trump obviously can't be trusted to tell the truth. He's lost my vote."


    And finally...

    26. "Convicted felons should NOT be allowed to be president! How could he pass a secret check to be able to read classified documents? He's lost my vote."


    Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

    All responses have been edited for length/clarity.