

I have a twin, she is Katie, I am not. I graduated from PH in June 2009, and am a freshman at American. I am a vegetarian. Basically thats it. But there's nothing basic about me.

Jun 2010
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  • maggiep's avatar

    maggiep commented on We Want To See Your Most Creative Last-Minute Halloween Costumes

    The Heathers, as created by random stuff in our closets and 30 minutes at the thrift store 3 blocks away from my house. We got featured on bar's Instagram for a costume contest we didn't even enter.



  • maggiep's avatar

    maggiep commented on What Are The Best Snack Foods You Can Buy At Trader Joe's?

    Anyone who doesn't say Chocolate Coconut Almonds has clearly never consumed perfection. I rarely buy them because I will, without a doubt, eat half of the carton on the way home from the store. But when I do, it's the best 15-minute drive of my life.



  • maggiep's avatar

    maggiep commented on Vegetarians And Vegans – What Are Your Tips For Cutting Down On Meat?

    I'm from the South, so when I told my mom in the 7th grade that I was a vegetarian, it was met with a resounding "not while I'm cooking your food you're not." Dreams were crushed, meat was eaten. Fast forward 3 years, after a school trip to New York City and an evening hunched over… 



  • maggiep's avatar

    maggiep commented on Hey, What's Your Go-To Hangover Food?

    When I'm hungover all I ever want to eat is a turkey sandwich on that really crappy white bread that you can flatten with a single press and a smear of mayo. I've been a vegetarian for all of my drinking years, so it's a weird craving. That doesn't stop me from stocking up on Tofurky… 



  • maggiep's avatar

    maggiep commented on Americans, What Do You Actually Like About British People?

    As a born and bred US Southerner, I honest to god love cricket. It's so exciting and hard to play well. Also it is very satisfying that the scores can go so high. Personally, I find it a lot easier to understand when watching a match in person, so trying to explain the rules to people… 



  • maggiep's avatar

    maggiep commented on Show Us Your Best Movie Or TV-Themed Halloween Costume

    Last year on Halloween my sister, my roommate, and I went to a live podcast taping and we decided to change our costumes at the last time. A trip to the thrift store and a few safety pins later I'd say were are the spitting image of the Heathers. Didn't have enough time to set my… 



  • maggiep's avatar

    maggiep commented on It’s Time To Prove Once And For All That Twin Telepathy Is A Thing

    My twin sister and I sent our mom the exact same Mother's Day card this year. This could definitely be termed a coincidence by a ~non-believer~ but I choose to think otherwise. Just the most recent incident in 26 years of calling each at the exact same time to ask the exact same question,… 



  • maggiep's avatar

    maggiep commented on The Most Infuriating And Difficult Geography Quiz You'll Ever Take

    Kazakhstan is also in Eastern Europe/Central Asia and has a Z. Mostly continents are bullshit.



  • maggiep's avatar

    maggiep commented on What’s Your Favorite Quote From A Strong-Ass Woman?

    Every time I can't open a jar or zip up my dress or build an Ikea table or some other stupid task that I would ask my dad/brother/boyfriend to help with I remember that Irina Dunn said "a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle," and I suddenly find the strength to complete… 



  • maggiep's avatar

    maggiep commented on 28 Fancy-Ass Foods On Amazon That Will Make You Feel Like A Real Adult

    So...are we sure mushroom coffee isn't drugs? My old boss used to make psychedelic shroom tea from legit wild mushrooms that grew naturally in her flower beds.

