

Jun 2015
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  • laurencrabtre's avatar

    laurencrabtre commented on What's The Funniest Name For A Pet You've Ever Heard?

    I have known two rabbits named Jessica and Slippers, a cat named Meowmi Catbell, and a pug named Spark Pug.



  • laurencrabtre's avatar

    laurencrabtre commented on Who Is Your Favorite Queer Non-Canon Couple To Ship?

    Irela, aka Irene Adler from Sherlock and Bela Talbot from Supernatural. They're both characters who are on the more villainous side but still showed some vulnerability, and I was upset that we didn't get to see very much of either of them on their respective shows (especially Irene,… 



  • laurencrabtre's avatar

    laurencrabtre commented on Which Childhood Novels Made You Cry?

    While it isn't a particularly well-known book, the only book that ever made me cry as a kid was Snakes Don't Miss Their Mothers by M. E. Kerr



  • laurencrabtre's avatar

    laurencrabtre commented on Help, What Should We Watch Now "Game Of Thrones" Has Finished?

    It's pretty much the opposite of Game of Thrones, but I highly recommend Mystery Science Theater 3000. If you like cheesy movies, and especially if you want to roast said movies but don't have any good material, go watch it. It's hilarious, the characters are wonderful, and it's one… 



  • laurencrabtre's avatar

    laurencrabtre commented on Theatre Actors, Share With Us The Worst Thing That Has Happened On Stage

    I was in a play called Fond Farewell, which is a murder mystery, and I played the sheriff that was trying to figure out who the murderer is. Towards the middle of the second act, I was supposed to fire a warning shot using my gun (which was loaded with blanks), but during one of the… 



  • laurencrabtre's avatar

    laurencrabtre commented on What's The Most Insane Movie Fact You Know?

    In Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, Kate Capshaw's dress in the first scene of the movie was completely made of 1920's and 1930's original beads. This meant that there was only enough to make one dress. The opening dance number was actually the last scene to be shot, but the… 



  • laurencrabtre's avatar

    laurencrabtre commented on Who Would You Pick To Star In Your Imaginary, But Perfect, Gay Film?

    Viola Davis and Gillian Anderson play a married lesbian couple who run a publishing company specializing in field guides and how-to manuals for people who study supernatural creatures. When one of their editors (Irene Bedard) fact-checks a book their company is about to publish, she… 



  • laurencrabtre's avatar

    laurencrabtre commented on What’s The Worst Wedding Disaster You’ve Ever Witnessed?

    At my cousin's wedding, the ring bearer tripped as he was walking down the aisle and the rings flew off of his pillow and into the grass. We had to stop mid-processional and search for the rings—luckily, both were found.



  • laurencrabtre's avatar

    laurencrabtre commented on What's The Best Meal You've Ever Had At A Restaurant?

    The butternut squash ravioli and the goat cheese, tomato, and kale gnocchi at Monkey Pod in Ko Olina, Hawaii. They're both absolutely delicious and I highly recommend Monkey Pod to anyone visiting Hawaii. (If you're looking for dessert, their pie is also very good!)



  • laurencrabtre's avatar

    laurencrabtre commented on What's A Netflix Hidden Gem That You Wish Everyone Would Watch?

    Hurricane Bianca. Not only is it absolutely hilarious, it also deals with current social issues in a unique way and has a fairly diverse cast. I highly recommend it!

