
Sep 2014
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  • julied43c2eec1c's avatar

    julied43c2eec1c commented on What Movie Moment Always Makes You Cry?

    The last scene in The Return of the King. The fact that Frodo and Sam survived everything they went through together and, despite all that, Sam still has to say goodbye to his best friend leaves me with tears freely streaming down my face every. single. time.



  • julied43c2eec1c's avatar

    julied43c2eec1c commented on What's The Best Unscripted Movie Moment?

    In Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, there’s a scene where Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli come across the slain company of Uruk-hai and believe for a moment that Merry and Pippin were killed as well. In that moment Aragorn kicks a helmet and falls to his knees with a roar of grief -… 



  • julied43c2eec1c's avatar

    julied43c2eec1c commented on What's The Worst Movie Inaccuracy You've Ever Noticed?

    In Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, they have this long-winded explanation about how the new hybrid, the Indoraptor, hunts down a target. Basically, someone uses the laser sight on a gun and then plays a sound that triggers the Indoraptor to attack the target. But here’s the thing...if… 



  • julied43c2eec1c's avatar

    julied43c2eec1c commented on Which Awkward And Out Of Place Scene Ruined A Movie For You?

    *Spoilers* for Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, but the reveal of Grindelwald took me completely out of the movie. I had actually been enjoying the story up until that point, but as soon as the reveal was made, my brain went, “Oh, it’s Johnny Depp ?” Grindelwald is supposed… 



  • julied43c2eec1c's avatar

    julied43c2eec1c commented on What's The Best Movie Scene Ever Made?

    The opening scene of Baby Driver. Between the music, action, directing, and editing, my jaw was on the floor by the time it was done. I had no idea an action scene could be so precise and yet so much fun to watch! On a totally different note, the “snap” in Avengers: Infinity War.… 



  • julied43c2eec1c's avatar

    julied43c2eec1c commented on Tell Us The Movies That You Love Mostly For The Fashion

    Black Panther. Ruth E. Carter’s intentionality and brilliance shows in every single outfit in that movie, and she deserves an Oscar for it.



  • julied43c2eec1c's avatar

    julied43c2eec1c commented on Tell Us About Your Favourite TV Show Episode Of All Time

    The Legend of Korra, “Beginnings,” Parts 1 and 2 (Se. 2, Eps. 7/8). This two-part Episode is absolutely visually stunning. It’s some of the series’ best art and animation, which is saying a lot. On top of that, it manages to tell an excellent and relatively contained story while still… 



  • julied43c2eec1c's avatar

    julied43c2eec1c commented on What Underrated Disney Movie Jokes Always Make You Laugh?

    From Wreck-It Ralph: King Candy: [puts on glasses] You wouldn't hit a guy with glasses, would you? [Ralph smacks the King with the glasses] King Candy: You hit a guy, WITH glasses. That's... that's... well-played.



  • julied43c2eec1c's avatar

    julied43c2eec1c commented on What Underrated Disney Movie Jokes Always Make You Laugh?

    From Sleeping Beauty, as Merryweather is acting as the mannequin for the dress Flora is making for Aurora: Merryweather: It looks awful! Flora: That’s because it’s on you, dear.



  • julied43c2eec1c's avatar

    julied43c2eec1c commented on What's The Smartest Joke You've Ever Heard?

    My new favorite pun:

