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Brits, Americans, And Canadians Are Struggling With Australia's Abysmal Winter, And I've Never Felt More Validated

"I grew up in Minnesota, USA, but no one back home believes me when I tell them that I've never been colder than in Australia."

As Aussies continue to endure a record-breaking start to the coldest winter in decades, may this small bit of long-awaited validation warm the very cockles of your heart.

At long last — and after enduring a constant ribbing from the rest of the world about how we have no right to complain about our winters — expats living abroad in Australia have finally acknowledged just how fucking cold it feels, despite the temperatures rarely dipping below zero degrees.

For only the 233rd year in a row Sydney has been surprised by the onset of cold Winter conditions.

Twitter: @WeathermanABC

It started when TikTok user @jamminjamison123 posted the below video, likening Australia's current temps to a winter in Canada:

In the clip, which has been viewed close to 1 million times, Jamison says: "SOS, I've never experienced a full Australian winter and I'm not liking it. It actually gets cold in Australia. I'm from Ontario, Canada, where it gets to –30 C; this 8 C weather feels exactly the same."

In the comments, Aussies were ecstatic to hear a non-Australian — not to mention, one who grew up in LEGIT cold temps — acknowledge just how rubbish the winters can get here.

Yes, our reputation for excruciatingly hot summers is bang on, but that doesn't mean we don't also feel the chill when wintertime finally dredges through the front door. 

But more than that, it was downright THRILLING to see other non-Aussies jump on the bandwagon and denounce Australia's winters full stop.

So in order to determine whether this was a shared feeling among expats across Australia, I went digging for more opinions — and discovered this Reddit thread, where user u/francisgreenslade bemoaned the awful quality of Australia's home insulation:

In the comments, more non-Aussies living Down Under came forward with their disdain for winters spent in Australia:

Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.

"As a Canadian who has lived in Brisbane and Adelaide, I can honestly say that the coldest I have ever been is during a Brisbane winter. In Adelaide, we had a fireplace, so I got that reprieve. In Canada, you just need to enter any building. But in Brisbane, I just had to layer and layer and layer — and it was never enough. I was definitely shocked at the gaps in the doors in the two homes we lived in during our time in Brisbane."


"Canadian living in Melbourne here. People always say to me, 'Oh, you should be used to the cold, you're from Canada!' Uh, yeah, outside with layers on. Not in my own goddam home. I miss central heating!"


"I live in the UK, so not as cold as Canada, but during winter, I'm never cold indoors. I spent one winter living in a ground-floor 1960s unit in Sydney, and that was absolutely bone-chilling — I literally had to sleep rugged up in my own bed."


@mgtighe *Australians in winter: rug up outdoors, rug up even more indoors, die of exposure in own bedroom

Twitter: @zoecharlottejay

"I'm from Yellowknife in Canada. It is well known for awesome things like northern lights and less awesome things like –40 C ambient temperatures with –50 C windchill. Coldest winter of my goddamn life was living in an old miners cottage in Newcastle."


"I grew up in Minnesota, USA, but no one back home believes me when I tell them that I've never been colder than in Australia."


"As an Icelander, I concur. I've been living in Brisbane for the past seven years, and it baffles me how cold it gets indoors during Brisbane winters. Never in my life have I experienced such cold bones, and I'm from the northern parts of Iceland. Don't get me started on the huge gaps in doors — they're not even on a correct angle! Building regulations are a joke, apparently."


As an Australian, I can confirm that our terrible insulation, lack of cold-weather clothing, and general "ignorance is bliss" attitude to wintertime means that the season is truly abhorrent for us locals — but you tell me, do we have a right to complain?