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I Use These Iconic "Eastenders" Lines On A Daily Basis, And I Can't Help But Laugh Every Time

"I hope you're the flaming stripper!"

Whenever someone mentions Eastenders, it's impossible to ignore the soap's nostalgia. One of the reasons why we love it is because of those iconic lines we find ourselves reciting more times than we can count.

Whether the scenes were supposed to be serious or not, they'll never stop being quotable! So in honour of this legendary soap, let's list some quotes, shall we?

1. "You b*tch, you cow!" – Pat Butcher and Peggy Mitchell

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Context: The girls were fighting! Peggy and Pat were fighting over who Frank belonged to, and which of them was better. One minute they were pouring refills for each other, and then things were getting thrown across the room.

Drama level: Pat and Peggy were tearing threads off each other, and I love how it built up with each jab they gave. An over the top classic scene that's hilariously funny.

2. "Will you listen to yourself, you stupid fat old tart!" – Peggy Mitchell

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Context: The rivalry between Peggy and Pat was everything we needed, and more! Peggy and Pat reminisced on Franks two-timing antics, and before we knew it, it turned ugly.

Drama level: Pat's subliminal digs always got me! They seemed to be having a cordial conversation, but as usual, it always ended with a slap. I think this line was supposed to wake Pat up, but it didn't. So was Pat in denial?

3. "Get outta my pub!" – Peggy Mitchell

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Context: If you were ever rude to Peggy Mitchell (or just caused a slight disturbance) you'd get one of these.

Drama level: I mean, If Peggy screamed this in my face it would've been enough for me to get out in a hurry.

4. "Oh yeah? And what's this? Strawberry blonde at seventy, that's 'real' is it?" – Pauline Fowler

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Context: Peggy and Pauline got into a verbal match over Phil not being allowed in his daughter's life.

Drama level: I love this scene because you can tell Pauline really got under Peggy's skin, and the back and forth insults at each other's personal lives was the cherry on top of the cake. Pauline came for Peggy's age, and she did not hold back.

5. "You ain't my mother!" – Zoe Slater

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Context: The truth finally came out when Zoe found out Kat, who she always thought was her sister, is actually her mother.

Drama level: From start to finish, this scene will always be legendary. You can actually feel the passion in both characters' voices when they said these two lines, and the close-ups make it that more intense!

6. "I didn't become a little bit of a slag... I became a total slag" – Kat Slater

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Context: Kat was reflecting on how her teen years impacted her approach to dating.

Drama level: It was the delivery of this that made it clear she meant it. This one line is so memorable that I don't even know what the nun's response was if she had had one. Out of context, this is pure comedy gold.

7. "Don't talk to me about running a family, you couldn't even run a bath!" – Mick Carter

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Context: Mick ran out of patience with Linda's drinking habits, and Linda was in a state of panic at the possibility of Ollie getting taken away.

Drama level: This scene with Linda and Mick was very dramatic until Mick went off on Linda with this line and carried on with childish jabs. I was living for it! When Mick said, "You deal with her" and the hand? It had me on the floor.

8. "You want some, do ya? Eh?" – Phill Mitchell

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Context: If there's one thing about Phil, it's that he's always up for a good fight, especially if there's drama involving his family.

Drama level: Phil would go rogue when it came to these fight scenes, and he had the will to start on anyone. His '00s moments honestly felt like I was watching an action movie, cause there's no way Phil always had the upper hand?!

9. "You need slappin' down" – Ben Mitchell

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Context: After Ben and Jordan got paired up for some bonding time, Ben finally had enough and confided in his dad about Jordan bullying him.

Drama level: I'm sorry, but this Ben was my favourite Ben. It's not just his facial expressions and these immortal words that made him so memorable – remember his Lady Gaga performance with Louise? Iconic! 

10. "Rickaaaayy!!!!" – Bianca Jackson

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Context: It was Ricky and Bianca's big return to the square, so an advert was dedicated for the couple's anticipated comeback, and naturally, they went for this classic. 

Drama level: Did you know that you don't even have to be in the square to hear Bianca call Ricky's name. Yes, it's that loud.

11. "You're a mug" – Janine Butcher

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Context: Janine pushed Barry off the cliff after they exchanged some words. More so on Janine's part, as she expressed that she didn't love him or want to be with him anymore.

Drama level: The conviction when she said this line makes me feel complete. Simple, blunt, and utterly British. It's probably why we all love it. 

12. "If only he'd worn slip-on shoes!" – Janine Butcher

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Context: Janine put on the waterworks and blamed Barry's death for his poor choice of shoes.

Drama level: When it was time for Janine to cover her tracks, she knew how to put on a show. This line is one that you can't forget as she said it through her cry, to which I, in turn, cackle.

13. "That's the difference between me and you, cause while you were sitting around waiting, doing nish, I was out making moves" – Michael Moon

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Context: Michael broke up a deal with Syed Masood after he found out he'd been making his own deals and talking about his private business behind his back.

Drama level: Michael made sure everyone knew he was a boss and didn't play about when it came to business – but when it comes to scenes like these? I couldn't stop myself from laughing. Top tier character, and one of my favourites!

14. "I'm drinking tea" – Michael Moon

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Context: Believe it or not, Michael did have his downtime – but he was still plotting out a master plan.

Drama level: Whenever we thought Michael was going to respond with a slick comeback, I remember this scene. He was on the couch drinking tea, not doing nish. The nipple twist he gave Fatboy tops it all off for me!

15. "This great big fat man sat on me, said he couldn't see me" – Jean Slater

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Context: Turned out Jean was on the train, and someone thought she was a chair.

Drama level: The level of disbelief Jean had in this scene would be all of us if this scenario ever happened. We all complain about transport, but could you imagine actually experiencing this? I don't know whether I'd laugh or cry. As Jean said, the world's gone mad!

16. "It makes me wonder what they think about my, erm, fishy basket" – Jean Slater

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Context: Jean was tongue-tied when the tension built up between her and Daniel Cook.

Drama level: This scene was just funny all the way through, and I don't even want to know what she meant by fishy basket. Sausage surprise anyone?

17. "Ooh, I say" – Dot Cotton

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Context: Who would've thought Dot's catchphrase could be used to make a jamming song?

Drama level: Dot Cotton could do no wrong.

18. "You want to bring up Chloe? You couldn't bring up phlegm" – Sonia Fowler

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Context: Sonia attended a meeting regarding her daughter Chloe because Pauline (Chloe's grandmother) felt it was best to raise her with her family instead.

Drama level: This scene made me laugh a little too much cause Sonia was not messing about at all! From slandering Pauline's family to this line, it was just hit after hit, and very enjoyable to watch.

19. "Bubbly's in the fridge" – Vanessa Gold

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Context: Vanessa lashed out on the entire house after finding out about Max's affair with Tanya.

Drama level: I'm guilty of using this line at the most random times – Christmas, family events, parties, you name it, I'm using this line. It got more and more aggressive as she said it, and the shaking made it funnier than it should have.

20. "Out of nowhere, I end up mashing up Bambi" – Fatboy

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Context: The E20 gang got into trouble after thinking they've possibly killed their friend.

Drama level: Fatboy was one of the funniest characters, and when he was on our screens, you knew laughs would follow. This line specifically is typical Fatboy, but I don't know why people thought he would be the best to talk to the police in the first place? I still hope Bambi was okay, for my heart's sake.

21. "My son is in the kitchen eating a biscuit" – Sharon Watts

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Context: Jack cheekily assumed Sharon was getting paid to play house with his brother Max, and she put him in his place.

Drama level: Who would've thought a line like this could sound so threatening? I'm still confused as to why she mentioned it, to begin with, but I'm not complaining as it gave the desired effect. Legend has it that people are still wondering what kind of biscuit it was.

22. "Oi, shoulder pads" – Shirley Carter

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Context: Let's just say Sharon was getting married to Phil, and Shirley was feeling salty and wanted to cause a stir.

Drama level: It's clear that whoever Phil gets with shouldn't be with him in the first place, because fighting over Phil? Really? This scene was lowkey funny as I've never seen two characters insult each other so calmly, and the only dramatic part was a drink being thrown on Linda.

23. "I've got nothing left" – Ian Beale

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Context: Ian found out his daughter Lucy Beale had been killed, and he couldn't contain his heartbreak.

Drama level: This scene was not supposed to be funny at all, and I feel so bad for laughing all the time. It's the way Ian said this line that makes it so relatable – it can be used in any scenario!

24. "No man is ever gonna want to marry you, and you want to know why? Cause you got ginger hair" – Dotty Cotton

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Context: Dotty and Tiffany were attending a wedding, and Dotty showed her evil streak which left Tiffany in tears.

Drama level: Can we all agree that Dotty's a menace? It seemed like every time Dotty's on our screens, she made it her job to make everyone's lives miserable! In this scene, she wanted to hurt Tiffany for no apparent reason, and felt good about it after.

25. "Your NFI. Not flippin' invited!" – Tiffany Butcher

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Context: The feud continued with Tiffany and Dotty as they recreated the famous 'NFI' line.

Drama level: This was for all the times Dotty was mean to Tiffany! When she recreated this scene, it felt like she was taking her power back once again, and it was everything! 

I'm sure we can all agree that there were countless lines that we all love! But before you go ahead and tell me yours in the comments, it's time to have your say on who you think takes the top spot.
